A step in the wrong direction
EDITOR: The previous recycling company in Windsor (the Unicycler) used a system in which we could deposit all of our recyclables into one can and then the contents of the can would be sorted at the recycle facility. Now we have a can that has been cut into half with the paper products on one side and the plastic, glass and metal products on the other side, but since most of our recycling contents are paper content, this arrangement (dividing the recycling can in half) is counter-intuitive to our recycling needs.
Not only is the new recycling can a step backwards to the user/consumer/recycler, all of the contents of the can are deposited into the same space in the recycle collection vehicle, making one wonder why we need to make the effort to sort the recyclables in the first place. The new contract may be good for the Town of Windsor, but the impact on the citizens of Windsor is an unequivocal step in the wrong direction.
Brent Gudzus
Does money talk in Windsor?
EDITOR: Money and politics is an old story. In last week’s news, it seems one of the defendants in Bill Gallaher’s libel suit has asked Mr. Gallaher to dismiss the lawsuit.
One of his prior chief counsel has come forth and allegedly confirmed that Mr. Gallaher did provide campaign funds to favored candidates through employees of Oakmont Senior Living, an important Windsor business which owns and operates the Bell Village/Oliver’s Center. Election laws mandate that the actual contributor to each campaign be disclosed and prohibits a campaign contributor to hide contributions through others.
Most times I would think little of this news, but Bill Gallaher and Oakmont Senior Living are certainly players in Windsor’s past, present and future. Mr. Gallaher has provided many fine homes, and indeed, our new Oliver’s to Windsor, but it was Oakmont Senior Living who brought Bill Bisno to our town with the sale of Bell Village, after telling the town he would build the residential portion of the project after completion of the shopping center.
Now, Mr. Bisno and his group intend to become by far the largest landlord in the town by holding over 700 rental units in the Bell Village and Windsor Mill developments. Any guesses to how much money has been provided by Mr. Gallaher, his family and associates, the Oakmont Senior Living and Mr. Bisno, his family and associates to favored candidates in past Windsor council elections and the prospective race coming next November? Should you even care? Campaign contributions are public information available at Windsor Town Hall; however I will attempt to provide the information in next week’s edition.
Sam Salmon

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