On reach codes
EDITOR: I’m an advocate for choice. David Kelley, Cloverdale city manager, graciously invited me to attend an October meeting on reach codes. The session was led by Cloverdale City Councilmember Jason Turner.
A representative from Sonoma Clean Power (SCP) presented, arguing that the city’s building codes should be amended to halt the use of natural gas as an option for residential homeowners.
Choice would no longer be allowed. I was taken aback. How could such a restrictive policy be considered without giving it a significant public vetting or even an environmental review? SCP’s agenda is clear: eliminate its competitor — natural gas — by changing the playing field and making electric-only power appear advantageous.
I trust our city leaders will see through this ploy and support individual homeowner choice: natural gas (or propane) and electric, or all-gas, or all-electric. In the meantime, after the recent series of multiday Public Safety Power Shutoffs, I’m an advocate for more reliable natural gas service in Cloverdale. This point was driven home when our newly-installed, whole-house natural gas generator provided electricity during those numerous PUC-approved PG&E blackouts.
Rob Koslowsky

Thank you, Lions and Kiwanis
EDITOR: How do we possibly thank all of the people who went way above and beyond during the fire, power and gas outage? Thank you one and all is about all we can say. But, we would like to single out two local organizations who were right there to serve our wonderful community of Cloverdale. They are there for all us the time, not just in times of need.
The Cloverdale Lions Club and the Kiwanis Club of Cloverdale were there at the Citrus Fair almost all week. Kudos and a huge thank you to all members of both organizations.
We wonder if the Lions Club still fines members who get their names in the paper? There are three members I want to especially thank, but I don’t want them fined. You know who you are — I saw you there every day.
To all in the community who would like to thank the Lions and Kiwanis, the best way to do that is to make donations to one or both. You can be assured the donations will be used to benefit our community in many ways.
Don and Neva Goodman

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