Leave the zoning alone
Editor: The question is who is to benefit from the proposed rezoning of 10095 Old Redwood Highway and 220 Entrada Lane, and how are they to benefit? It certainly won’t be the people of Starr Road and Los Robles Estates.
We’re a residential community where new roofs, solar panel installation, the painting of our homes and landscape upgrades are always in progress. This move will adversely affect our property values, and, frankly, serve as a slap in the face for all the hard work we’ve done over the years and the pride that we take in our Windsor neighborhood.
I just don’t see how in the real world this vacant field and the immediate surrounding area can handle dozens, hundreds of apartments, hundreds of new residents, hundreds of new vehicles. How will this affect our water usage in time of drought? Will the added stress increase PG&E blackouts? How will this further complicate and stress our evacuation plans in time of fire? Will it endanger our children and pets?
And, how, in the name of God’s good heaven, could this project possibly sustain, let alone enhance, the quality of life that we have come to know and enjoy in Windsor, California? I feel betrayed by this misguided, however well-intentioned, proposal. Do the right thing. Leave the zoning as it is.
David Randolph
What is going on at the Chamber?
As a Past President and current Windsor Chamber member, I am writing with shock and disappointment that Lorene Romero was let go as the President and CEO as of April 15. From what I have read, the official reason was the Windsor Chamber board decided to go in a different direction and retire that position. Yet on May 1, there is a job posting for an Executive Director with similar job description.
Last Friday (May 14), I understand that Mary Agneberg has quit as Office Manager. So there is no current staff and only one volunteer left.
With all due respect, why has the Chamber membership not been updated? What is the action plan? What is the town’s response to this?
Lorene has been the driving force behind the increase of Chamber memberships in the last two years, even during this most difficult COVID pandemic. I have personally seen her work with businesses to get staff vaccinations. She has worked in partnership with the town and county to care for Windsor businesses and residences during an unprecedented 18 months of challenges. She has been one of the most passionate and supportive President and CEO of the Windsor Chamber to date.
With many challenges that Windsor is facing right now, it is important for transparency. I do not want to make assumptions, but I believe I speak for the whole Chamber membership when I ask for the public board minutes of when she was let go, and to know what the action plan is. I hope you can support me in finding answers.
Amanda Pearson
Santa Rosa