Loving new History Matters column
EDITOR: Hearty thanks to John Grech, El Molino history teacher, for his “History Matters” column. His column, “Fireside Chat Wisdom” (April 29, 2020), brings fond memories of the sacred time in my childhood, listening beside my father to his adored president speaking (no other sound was allowed during those “chats”).
The quotes given here need to be published far and wide before November’s election lest we forget how a real president addresses our country during a crisis.
Donna Diehl
What does F.E.E.D. stand for?
EDITOR: For a paper trying to attract more readers, it might be better to not assume familiarity with local isms, such as F.E.E.D., subject of a front page article with no explanation of what F.E.E.D. stand for. (“The F.E.E.D. Bin takes west county by storm,” April 29, 2020). Careless. English 101: full name once, first, then acronym after that.
Peg Linde
Editor’s Response: You are correct and we’re especially sorry we didn’t mention it since it’s such an amusing name. F.E.E.D. stands for Farmers Exchange of Earthly Delights.
Idling cars
EDITOR: Everybody knows (or should know) that global warming is caused mainly by carbon dioxide (CO2) gas, most of which comes from automobiles, yet almost every day while walking around town, I see one or more autos idling, polluting our air and affecting the weather adversely for all our children and grandchildren.
Leonard Baron

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