EDITOR: After receiving the Healdsburg Tribune for over 65 years, it is now my distinct privilege to cancel my subscription to your learned and bias news agency. For the last several years, liberalism has been pushed throughout your pages, and I have tolerated the many barbs that have been thrown at conservatives or others that do not reason as you do. But Rollie Atkinson’s Feb. 18, 2021 editorial has catapulted this bias to a new hemisphere, wherein it is stated that 43 Republican senators voted to undermine the U.S. Constitution by exercising their God-given right to stand up and be counted for their convictions.
In addition, Mr. Atkinson’s editorial also implied that 73 million voters who also voted for President Donald Trump are a threat to our society and seek to undermine the U.S. Constitution.
I am a first generation American. My father, Stanley Frank Krupka, immigrated from Germany in 1926. He actually had passage lined up on the Albert Balin, departing in 1921, but his departure was delayed for three years because of the “quota” being filled up. In order to immigrate to America, it was necessary that he had a sponsor (his uncle, Adam Krupka) and he had to have proof of gainful employment (working in a logging camp in the redwoods of Humboldt County).
He gained his citizenship five years to the day after he came to America. After he passed his citizenship test, the judge noted that my father had become an American citizen faster than anyone else in his courtroom. He became an explosive expert, and every Fourth of July, the Humboldt County sheriff would grant him permission to blow off several sticks of dynamite near the woods that line his property.
Based on my heritage and convictions, I have no patience to continue to be casually and viciously assaulted for my God-given right to exercise voting for my convictions.
Frances Krupka Etchell

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