Clean cars
EDITOR: California is the place where America’s future first shows itself. Innovations developed here transform the world. Our dirty transportation system is long overdue for transformation. Electric vehicles are the future. Market forces and advances in battery technology are rapidly dropping the purchase price and increasing the range of EVs. Already they are much cheaper to operate and maintain than internal combustion engines.
California’s electrical grid is dramatically increasing its percentage of renewable energy sources and has the potential to reach 100 percent by 2030. By transitioning to all electric vehicles we can clean the air as well as reduce climate pollution. Britain and France have mandated the transition to all EVs by 2040, Netherlands by 2030. China recently announced their intent to remove all internal combustion cars from their roads by 2025.
A bill in the state Assembly, AB 1745, would let California join Britain and France in birthing a new era of clean transportation. If you would like to learn more about this exciting initiative, you are invited to attend a free public meeting at 6 p.m. Thursday, March 22 at Santa Rosa’s Glaser Center where the Center for Climate Protection will launch the Clean Car Campaign.
Larry Robinson
And from the world of social media…
Re: Sebastoblog, “Land of the Goddess”:
Candra Anaya via Facebook: “I love this column! Totally hilarious and spot on for the Sebastopol I know and love!”

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