In terms of police violence, let’s be proactive
EDITOR: Today I read the Sonoma West Times’ article, “Protests Continue in Sebastopol over the Weekend” by Laura Hagar Rush in which appeared an open letter to the Sebastopol City Council agenda review committee members by Council Member Michael Carnacchi.

I decided to share the article to a couple of groups on Facebook and asked readers to write letters to the City Council in support of the topic’s discussion.
(Letters can be emailed to Assistant City Manager Mary Gourley at: [email protected] / Request that it is shared with the Council Members)
I encourage those that took time to carry signs around town to write the city council in support of the proposed agenda item. 
Furthermore perhaps our Police Department and Acting Chief of Police Greg DeVore will encourage our City Council to encourage the subject as the Sebastopol Police Policy Manual on the City website is from 2014 and is marked as “DRAFT” written by former Police Chief Jeff Weaver.
After viewing the manual I was left to wonder which ‘use of force’ policies Sebastopol Police Service Officers are trained in and which are considered illegal when the only reference manual available to the public to search was simply a draft version.
This website   provides a list of cities and the policies Police Departments use; and can be a direct resource to the public.
I request that the agenda item Council Member Carnacchi is requesting be included in the next scheduled City Council meeting with immediate action taken to make the Police Department’s Policy Manual current.
May the city staff then be asked to complete the  “8 Can’t Wait Use of Force Policy Information” questionnaire so that the public can easily access answers to what types of “Use of Force”  are used by the Sebastopol Police Department.
Our City can be more than “Peacetown” – be “Proactive-town” and cause a ripple to be felt to the East by Santa Rosa, regionally by the Sonoma County Sheriff Department, and nationally as an example that our City’s Government is listening and responding.
Red Bear’s recent injuries by the Santa Rosa’s Police Department during a peaceful protest and David Ward’s death by excessive force are reason enough to pay attention and be proactive.
Thank you for your time,
Rei B

Pomp and Circumstances
EDITOR: Many friends (now in their 60s and 70s), my children and now theirs, my grandchildren, have graduated from Analy High School. Each ceremony included the very special and traditional offerings of making this change toward what may be next for so many. Teachers, administrators, custodial staff, mentors, volunteers, students and supporters have engaged in making sure that this transition has included what it means to graduate in full regalia. It’s been a pleasure to attend so many, often in the heat, to acknowledge each and every name, along with thoughtful and encouraging speeches and testimonials. Today was so very different because of an unprecedented glitch in our world. My granddaughter received her diploma transported in the back of her father’s truck, which included the rest of the family. This happened because of the commitment, support, enthusiasm and care from so many at Analy who have realized the importance of this transition and made sure that it happened. Thank you all. It’s different, it’s weird, it’s strange, it’s unexpected and it worked!
Barbara Harris
Palm Drive: the drama, the pathos
EDITOR: Your coverage of the PDHCD fiasco is magnificent! All the interesting details. Particularly the latest. Great job!
Carol Benfell
Palm Drive: Who’s to blame?
EDITOR: Regarding the article about the Palm Drive dissolution, there is one glaring omission. That is the fact that the Palm Drive Health Care District continues to place blame on everyone but themselves. All you have to do is follow the audio of the last regular or special board meetings to understand what I mean. They have blamed the delay on Eric Roeser (Sonoma County treasure/auditor/controller, tax collector), Mark Bramfitt (executive officer of Sonoma LAFCO), Deva Marie Proto (Sonoma County recorder and registrar of voters) in each of their meetings. It is a disturbing trend, much like what is happening in our national politics. All that this district board has to do is be honest and transparent. Is that so difficult for them to do? We will see.
Gary Harris
Time to end Civil War Days
EDITOR: Duncans Mills has abused civility for many years hosting their fundraising “Civil War Days.” If they are insensitive enough to contemplate such again I hope people will think what that display represents and boycott it.
Tony Bryhan

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