EDITOR: During his campaign four years ago, Trump claimed that he could shoot someone in Times Square and still get elected.  Today Trump is killing thousands of people, not by shooting a gun, but by shooting off his mouth.
He has convinced himself that the coronavirus is a “hoax” and that he does not have to take any action to stem the illnesses and deaths.  He tries to  tell us that COVID-19 will “just go away” without any need for him to do anything.
He downplays the severity of the pandemic completely ignoring the fact that over 140,000 people have died.  In fact he increases the number of deaths by not listening to his advisors on even the simplest level of protection, wearing a mask in public.  His followers take him literally and gather in political rallies and bars and vacation spots without any protection.  The surges in infections and deaths follow quickly.  He demands that the states open up the economies and more and more deaths happen.  He has become paralyzed by his ego and his need to be re-elected instead of taking action as outlined by the medical community.  He is incompetent to serve as our president.
It is time for the members of the cabinet and the vice president to take action, as described in the 25th amendment of the constitution, and remove him from office.  Sure, there will be an election in only about four months, but in that time thousands more will die because of his incompetence in office.  Will it happen?  Probably not.  He promised to “drain the swamp” in his campaign, but has only drained the swamp and relocated it in the west wing.
If his cabinet won’t act, it is up  to the people of this country to rise up and protest that this killer be removed from office immediately.  Maybe then, the Republican Party and the executive branch will get the message and isolate this man in a way that will be transmitted down to his supporters.  Maybe then the GOP will find that they are not the pariahs they have become with the unambiguous support of this man who should never have become president.  Maybe then we can defeat this pandemic and get life back to normal, whatever that is.
Frank Mayhew

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