Only in Healdsburg

EDITOR: I’m glad I live in Healdsburg.

I’m glad I live in a wonderful neighborhood. For over 40 years, I lived on Twin Oaks Way, for it is clean, quiet and friendly.

As the years go by, of course, neighbors change. Way back when there were more children — playing ball and just having fun in the street. I miss that now.

Now it is my “new” neighbors who walk their dogs daily, say good morning when we meet. They are the ones who often ask if I need a ride to the store or if they can get me something downtown.

Where else in America can one find such an ideal place to live? Where else can one say, “I love my neighbors.” Only in Healdsburg.

Taddi Aguilera


Measure V for the homeless

EDITOR: This is a response to the Measure V Fund allocations. All Healdsburg residents received the questionnaire from the City of Healdsburg asking them to designate how the Measure V Funds should be distributed.

This form can be very misleading to the general public because there is no mention of unsheltered,  homeless or affordable housing on this document. Our unsheltered and homeless populations are the ones living outside, hidden in parks, along the river and behind buildings. According to the City of Healdsburg this is not a high priority and does not warrant a slot for the citizens to designate funding.

There are five categories listed, many like police and fire that are very deserving. None of these categories mentions the most vulnerable population in our town: the unsheltered and homeless populations. 

To designate funding for this category you need to go down to the last category “Miscellaneous” and fill out the “Other” Category. You will need to write in unsheltered, homeless and affordable housing.

Affordable housing, is very needed but it is for people who are employable. Our unsheltered and homeless suffer from many issues that puts them in the highest need.

We have wonderful non-profits and local churches that are trying to meet the needs of our Healdsburg residents. They need more money and resources to even make a dent.

I know you can do this Healdsburg, I have always been proud of you. Make sure you fill out your form and send it in to the city of Healdsburg by Feb. 6.

Karen Tappin


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