Homeless related?
EDITOR: After reading your police and Sheriff’s logs every week I finally made up my mind that I could no longer keep quiet. I am very curious to find out why your paper feels the need to identify certain Sheriff calls with the final sentence “homeless related.” Why aren’t the other calls labeled in kind, such as “has home related.” The homeless in this county are already shamed and stigmatized for being just that. It seems to me that being a homeless person is the last group in society that it acceptable to ridicule and even “hate” without any repercussions. There seems to me to be no reason for your paper to identify any call as “homeless related.” It just seems to add to the ignorance of a very serious and sad problem.
Carolyn Kennon
From the editor: Thanks for your comment. It’s an interesting point. I will bring it up in our next editorial meeting and will let you know if anything changes.
Learn about Toolbox
EDITOR: The need for addressing the mental and emotional health of our youngest citizens is never more important than in today’s contentious environment. In our schools and in our preschools and daycare centers, there is a well-documented program available that gives children tools to cope with the demands of early childhood.
The Toolbox program is currently being supported by the Rotary Club of Sebastopol through a grant. The Toolbox tools (12 in total) empower children, teachers, parents and their communities with a common language and skills that form a cohesive, collaborative, nonviolent and caring community, which leads to hope for a meaningful, positive and lasting future.
We are inviting all Rotarians, neighbors, friends and family to attend a one-hour meeting after our Sebastopol Rotary meeting on Jan. 18 to learn the “tools” and talk about the program. Place: Sebastopol Community Church. Time: 1:45 to 2:45 p.m.
Peg Rogers
Community Service Director
Rotary Club of Sebastopol