Vote Foppoli
As a longtime friend of Dominic Foppoli, I can personally attest to his compassion for the Windsor community and his desire to maintain this town’s status as a gem of Sonoma County. Windsor has grown significantly over the past several decades, turning into a wonderful community with some of the highest quality-of-life standards in the county.
As someone who grew up with the town — like Dominic — I’ve watched how Windsor has changed for the better over the years. Dominic has been a big part of that change as a former planning commissioner, council member, vice-mayor and now as the current mayor. 
Growing up, Dominic frequently voiced his desire to serve Windsor on the town council. He knows Windsor like the back of his hand and is committed to ensuring this town’s success for years to come. I gladly endorse my friend Dominic for Mayor. Vote Foppoli for Mayor of Windsor this November!
Karen Alves
Why BB matters to Windsor
Healdsburg District Hospital is a vital asset to the Northern Sonoma County community that thousands of people rely on for routine and emergency medical care. On top of this, the current public health crisis has highlighted the importance of local hospitals and their ability to treat more communities more effectively. 
I live in Windsor, so even though Sutter may seem like a close and convenient choice, for about the same drive time, I went to Healdsburg District Hospital when I needed surgery on my hand. From the time I was admitted to when I was discharged, I undoubtedly received the best medical care I’ve ever had. Many of the employees have spent their entire careers there and live nearby, so you know they care greatly about the health and safety of their patients and live among us in our community.
I’ve heard rumblings from a few Windsor residents who don’t utilize Healdsburg District Hospital that they are opposing Measure BB simply because they don’t want to continue paying the parcel tax, but what they don’t realize is the parcel tax will remain unchanged with or without Measure BB and with or without Healdsburg Hospital.
Thousands of people rely on Healdsburg Hospital for their medical needs, and Measure BB will assure that the hospital will continue to be there for them. Without it, they would only have one choice: to drive to Santa Rosa to receive care. More importantly, we need a choice in where we choose to seek care, just as I did when I chose to go to Healdsburg instead of Santa Rosa for my medical procedure.
To keep Healdsburg District Hospital and its emergency room open, preserving our choice in where we want to seek care, please join me and vote yes on Measure BB.
Ann Minaglia
Windsor at a Crossroads? Be sure to Vote!

Rip out the Huerta Gym, Library, Civic Center & Stage or leave all as is (improving as needed)? Our existing Town Council is 4-1 in favor of doing business with the Robert Green Co in an exclusive negotiating agreement where we could build a luxury hotel with restaurants and retail in place of our family oriented gym & library. This is the same builder who is trying to renege on his promises to Healdsburg & facing fines for contaminating water while building the Montage. This issue lives large on social media with what seems to me to be an increasingly vocal preference to leave the buildings in place.
It is my understanding that the businesses on the Town Green continue to struggle & this is one of the reasons the Council would like to do the Civic Center Project. Shouldn’t we get everything built that’s been approved in the Town Center first? Perhaps the Town Green businesses also need to find the right price point to serve our residents. The proposed Civic Center Project has the potential of hurting business with its own restaurants and does nothing for the Town’s residents, in my opinion.  
The outcome of this election has the potential to shift the balance of the Town Council. Jeff Leasure has my vote in District 3. He opposes the Civic Center Project as well as sprawl into the unincorporated areas on the eastern edge of town. When he wins, Deb Fudge will term out (Dec. 2020). Rosa Reynosa is my pick for mayor. She is actively involved in the community, has attended nearly all Town Council Meetings for many years. She’s a voice of the people in our Town. Rosa also opposes the Civic Center project.  
Vote for change & new voices: vote for Jeff Leasure to represent District 3 and Rosa Reynosa for mayor! Doing so, we will then have 3 voices against the Civic Center Project as Sam Salmon’s term isn’t up until Dec. 2022 making the lone dissenting voice a majority viewpoint.  
JoAnn Hamilton

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