EDITOR: Our supervisors are going to decide soon whether cannabis tourism promotion will be part of the new cannabis ordinance. This is a slippery slope! Getting high in the privacy of your home is one thing. But how will cannabis tasting rooms operate — will they resemble opium dens or cigar bars, with tourists lounging while munching appetizers until the drug takes effect? And, then where do they go? Road safety is a major concern here.
Although tourism is important to Sonoma County; let’s put it in perspective. Pre-pandemic data from the Sonoma County Economic Development Board, shows tourist spending at about 6.5% of Sonoma County’s annual Gross Domestic Product (GDP). This includes a full range of tourist types, such as bicyclists and coastal visitors. However, media’s coverage of tourism may lead the public to believe tourism is the dominant factor in our economy—– not so. Six other industries generate more value to the county’s GDP.
In fact, Sonoma County’s greatest assets are what we — citizen advocates working constructively with our county officials — have preserved: A pristine coast, extensive agricultural lands, greenbelts and community separators, as well as open space and park lands. And, county voters consistently vote for additional taxes to protect and preserve these environmental and community assets.
Please write your Supervisor and encourage him or her to retain County Ordinance No. 6245, Sec.26-88-250 (c) (5), which states: “Tasting, promotional activities, and events related to commercial cannabis activities are prohibited.”
Charlene Stone
Santa Rosa

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