Recalling Ravitch

As a Sonoma County resident involved with the criminal justice system, I have had my criticisms of District Attorney Jill Ravitch. That said, I am completely against the effort to recall her. 

DA Ravitch was completely right to sue Bill Gallaher for leaving vulnerable senior citizens on their own during the Tubbs Fire. As a result, Gallaher had to pay a $500,000 settlement. It is particularly ironic that Gallaher’s recall petition sites “social justice” as one of the reasons he wants to oust Ravitch. He admitted to his negligence to settle the case and his concern is “social justice”? The hypocrisy is shocking. 

Just last year, Ravitch announced she would not seek reelection, meaning we will have a new DA in 2022. So, why waste money on a recall election in 2021? Don’t sign the recall petition, which amounts to a rich guy’s petty revenge. If anything, Gallaher got off easy. 


Jerry Threet

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