Thanks for astounding response
EDITOR: We want to thank the press of Sonoma County for their support of the Sonoma County Civil Grand Jury. The recent plea to the citizens of Sonoma County to apply for service with the Grand Jury met with “astounding” success. It was a hasty campaign, waged in November, and only through the press; over two dozen Sonoma County publications helped by printing letters or flyers. We are grateful.
Peter Andrews
President, Sonoma County Grand Jury Association
Monte Rio
Thanks to Kiwanis
EDITOR: I was at the Kiwanis Club Crab Feed on Saturday, Dec. 1. My family and I thoroughly enjoyed the fresh crab as well as the salad, pasta, French bread and fabulous cupcakes.
The seating arrangements were very well organized; the servers were friendly and polite. The live/silent auction as well as 50/50 Raffle were coordinated so I could enjoy everything. I’m happy to say I won a Kindle with a basket of books for my grandson’s Christmas gift.
I have attended many crab feeds over the years but Cloverdale Kiwanis’ tops them all. Their members work together as a team to put on a great fundraiser.
We were sitting at a table with a Healdsburg Kiwanis Club members that were warm and friendly. The Kiwanis presidents visited every table to make sure everyone was happy. Thank you Kiwanis. 
Charlene Shaw and Chris Hershwitzky Family

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