Need a more civilized event
EDITOR: Each summer the semi-enlightened citizens of Duncans Mills host Civil War Days, “one of the largest reenactments west of the Mississippi.” I understand the need to attract people to spend money in a small town, but how dead people from this village played a significant role in that hate-filled war isn’t explained on their website. Hence, it seems this event is more about grown white men celebrating war and trying to make money off other white men that enjoy belligerence.
They even have tax exempt 501(c)(3) status, ouch. But why the Civil War and not the war of 1812 or the Spanish American War? They all used artillery and horses. Considering the ugly racist events spiraling through our country, a more civilized (pun intended) way to get tourists to pay for the toys of these men should be developed.
Tony Bryhan, Sebastopol
Electoral College complaint
EDITOR: This is a note to thank Patrick R. Broderick for his recent letter regarding the Electoral College. It was the most cogent explanation of exactly how the Electoral College works: taking away our democracy, not having the “biggest vote getter” in the last election not win the election.
I did not know that Californians are considered 25 percent of a person, giving us no decision in the election. We were always told that we are in a democracy, and that means that we, the people, get to vote for the President of the United States, and not the Electoral College.
I hope that many people read his letter and felt exactly as I did after reading it – I was “ripped off,” so to speak. I, along with 3 million other Americans realized that our “choice” was not the “chosen” candidate, but someone else who is so unprepared for this office, which we see every single day of his presidency.
Again, Mr. Broderick, thank you, both for your feelings and your willingness to share them with us.  I believe that there are many others who agree with you 100 percent. Have a wonderful week, and let’s keep watching.
Nancy J. Aita, Sebastopol

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