Roundup is not sustainable
EDITOR: I love our local newspaper and have been reading it weekly for years, but the “sustainable” winegrowers propaganda insert last week made me very uneasy.
Wine growing is obviously something we all need to follow, but the growers who continue to spray Roundup under their grapes are not “sustainable” farmers. Grapes are a weed. They do not need much help to grow. Much of their cultivation is for visual effect and for disease control, resulting from the monoculture promoted by U.C. Davis.
Please Google Dr. Ron Huber, the retired plant pathologist from Rutgers, to learn the history, chemistry and politics of glyphosate mixture used for weed control.
Sonoma County has more of these chemicals in our water than anywhere else in California. We also have very high cancer rates – especially lymphomas. Please, please help us, help the earth. Do the right thing! No propaganda.
Nan Kohler, M.S.
Rainbow’s End Farm
A playground suggestion
EDITOR: Thank you, Sebastopol Rotarians for once again offering your support and finances toward rebuilding the Super Playground at Sebastopol’s Libby Park.
My children and now theirs have enjoyed hours of playing safely while making and meeting friends. The play structures have welcomed and included so many during these decades.
Throughout these initial planning phases, please consider the need for shade within this playground. Often, the structures are so hot to the touch that children are left uncomfortable at the least and more severely, cannot slide, climb, swing or go within since the plastic surfaces absorb the heat of the sun.
Perhaps fast growing trees strategically placed and/or shade cloths could be included to assure comfort and access during playtimes.
Thanks so much,
Barbara Harris
Let’s see the report
EDITOR: We must see the Mueller Report itself. Having the Attorney General’s summary is not enough. Too much is at stake. We don’t know what the report itself says without having the document available to the public. What evidence was found? What conclusions were drawn? What recommendations were made? I want to hear what the team reported and found and said. The standard of proof for criminal activity is ‘beyond a reasonable doubt.’ That doesn’t mean Trump did not collude at all. That doesn’t mean Trump didn’t obstruct the investigation at all. Contact your members of Congress to demand the whole truth. What does the Mueller Report say?
Nancy J. LoDolce
Indivisible Sonoma County

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