Wasting water in the name of tourism
EDITOR: Residents of Sonoma County have shown in the past that they can “step up to the plate” where water conservation is concerned, and we’ll do it again this year. Our lawns will die, our gardens will die, we’ll have buckets in our showers, we’ll request water at restaurants.
But what about the hotels and resorts in the area? They advertise large spa-like tubs in the rooms, showers with two or more showerheads, and the people who are booking into those rooms aren’t invested in Sonoma County and our water problems.
What kind of restrictions and very necessary oversight will be placed on the extravagant waste of water by these establishments, in the name of “tourism?” I know the tourism industry has suffered terribly during the COVID crisis but giving them free-rein to use our very limited water resources will ultimately not only kill the tourism industry but our agricultural industries as well.
Regulating the use of water by these establishments must be a part of any conservation plans.
Marisa Murphy

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