The heart of Christmas
Editor: Tie a prayer ribbon on the fence of the Sebastopol
United Methodist Church from Dec. 5 through Dec. 24. Join the
congregation in praying for peace in the world, for the homeless
and marginalized, for the sick and suffering, for the needs of all
people, for the creation itself, for someone you love, for a
special concern of your own heart. In the midst of the Christmas
frenzy, you are invited to take a moment for the longings and
yearnings of the soul.
Prayer ribbons will be available in the church office Tuesday,
Wednesday and Thursday, at the Old World Carolers concert on Dec.
10 at 7 p.m., at the Sing Along Messiah on Dec. 11 at 3 p.m., at
the Silent Night Solstice Meditation, a drop-in Service on Dec. 21
from 5 to 7 p.m. and at Sunday worship services. The concerts and
services are in the church sanctuary. You may wish to tie the
ribbon on the fence yourself or have someone from the congregation
do this for you. Shut-ins may call in prayers to the church office
823-5841, or you may e-mail your prayer request to re******@so***.net.
Reverend Judith Stone
The ‘R’ word
Editor: I was puzzled about the reasons you chose to publish the
letter from the Latino supporters of Latino illegal immigration,
which resorted to playing the corny race card, then concluded with
a thinly veiled threat of eventual control of our political process
lest we not cooperate with their demands (“Immigration narrative
dehumanizes Latinos” Nov. 25)
You do realize, don’t you, just how impossible it is for any
good liberal to genuinely respond to such discourse? The misguided
consequences of the “R” word, the mandate of “political
correctness,” simply disallow any overt expressions of disagreement
with the issues despite their extreme importance to our society’s
Robert James