Shaffer response
Editor: This is my response to recent letters directed to me. John Kramer and others, in writing about me, have resorted to hyperbole, exaggeration, and innuendo. From Kramer’s letter, one would think that supporting the CVS/Chase project is not allowed in Sebastopol. It is.
He failed to mention that he is the lead petitioner in the only lawsuit that has been filed against the City, so let’s not pretend that he is above the fray he has helped create.
In the most recent applicant’s appeal that came before the Council concerning the project, I prefaced my vote by stating, “the project was not what I wanted to see there.” Since being elected in 2008, I have supported efforts for housing in the downtown core, particularly to support the needs of our older population. However, with our current economy, housing projects are non-starters, nor were any offers presented to the Pellinis for that use. I will continue looking for housing opportunities in the downtown/industrial core.
The Pellini family exercised their private property rights and made an agreement with Armstrong Development, so that became the project under consideration. The applicant’s proposal included improvements such as upgrading sidewalks and crosswalks that are beneficial to the city. They also predicted that sales tax revenues would increase at the new location. Opponents of the project have dismissed these benefits. As a councilmember who is acutely aware of the need for additional revenues, and reluctantly voted approval of a measure to increase sales tax, I could not ignore the need to encourage commercial development.
What really counts is ensuring that the process is fair and legal. Regardless of the decisions made by the Planning Commission and the Design Review Board, on appeal, the Council is the final authority. The applicant followed the rules and my job is to do the same. Once an application is in process, the rules should not be changed regardless of personal preferences. If we don’t like the rules, now is the time to change them. Honoring the process and the law has guided my actions, both on and off the record.
I believe the citizens of Sebastopol know of my dedication, commitment and energy to keep our city the special place it is. And, yes, I will continue to campaign tirelessly to talk with voters.
Kathleen Shaffer
City Councilmember
Refreshing candidate
Editor: I find it refreshing that Robert Jacob is running for Sebastopol City Council. He is a breath of fresh air, and the type of enthusiastic and cooperative leader that our Sebastopol City Council so desperately needs.
We need someone who will work with all sides of the political aisle, and in Sebastopol, there are often more than just two sides.
I am a life-long resident of Sebastopol, and at age 26, I was likely the youngest City Councilmember to serve as Mayor. I worked with all sides of the political spectrum, knowing that collaboration and unified vision would serve our city best.
Robert Jacob was recently unanimously selected by his fellow Planning Commissioners to be their Chair, because he, too, works with all sides to find solutions that work for everyone. He is also the first Latino to serve as Chair of this body in our city’s history.
It is invigorating that such an accomplished young man in his 30s is running. We need his collaborative, creative, and practical experience guiding our City. This November, I plan to help unite our City Council by casting a vote for Robert Jacob for City Council.
Craig Litwin
Former Sebastopol Mayor
and Councilmember
Jacob not for me
Editor: In the coming council election I will not be supporting or voting for the candidate Robert Jacob for the following reasons:
1). Robert Jacob is supported by both Boss Shane and Claire Najarian;
2.) During council meetings, Robert Jacob will be looking out in the audience to see if Boss Shane is holding thumbs up or thumbs down on the new general plan;
3). Robert Jacob favored the CVS/chase project until Claire Najarian and Boss Shane persuaded him to be against the project, and;
4). My final reason for not voting for Robert Jacob is, I don’t know if he has the intestinal fortitude to stand up to vocal, small minorities who come before the council with their own personal agendas. Can Robert look at the general public good or will he be responsible only to small vocal minorities in this community?
Martin M. Webb
A Balanced Sebastopol
Editor: I am supporting Kathleen Shaffer and Kathy Austin for City Council because they share many of my values for a small, thriving local community. I believe they have good listening skills, common sense, and will follow the rule of law even when it’s not convenient or popular with everyone. I trust them.
We bought a home in Sebastopol 24 years ago and raised our family in this special setting. The heart and soul of this city are in the diverse and inclusive community that calls the West County home. We must balance environmental, social, and economic considerations to thrive. Shaffer and Austin will bring respectful, positive energy to our city government and will work hard to balance the needs of our community through compromise.
Retirement has afforded me more opportunity to attend City Council meetings and follow local issues more closely. This increased exposure to our seated and prospective city council members has made me a better informed Sebastopol citizen. I currently choose to share most of my input with the city council members by email, and remain hopeful that our divided community will become more tolerant and respectful of opposing viewpoints.
I encourage readers to visit for factual detail about local candidates and issues, and join me in voting for Shaffer and Austin in November.
Jim Stephens
Sebastopol Citizens
Good listener
Editor: As business owners and multi-generational residents of West Sonoma County, we know how important educated decisions are. Our city needs tax money to improve our water system and to maintain the level of services we have come to expect. The current impression is that Sebastopol is not friendly to bringing new businesses to our town.
We have known Kathleen Shaffer for a number of years and we have found her to be a good listener and able to make responsible decisions about matters concerning our city. She is fair and she works tirelessly to improve our city of Sebastopol. We whole-heartedly support her re-election to the City Council. Please join us in re-electing Kathleen Shaffer to Sebastopol’s City Council.
Chip and Loretta Castleberry
Not above the law
Editor: In the increasingly contentious election for Sebastopol City Council, I am giving my support to Kathleen Shaffer. I have watched her mature into the City Council position for the last four years and want her to continue to represent us. Kathleen really cares about Sebastopol, its citizens and its future. She shows common sense and a desire to improve the community.
She is always available to all who wish to talk with her and she is in the forefront of helping Sebastopol maintain its sense of self while promoting the growth of the community in an economically and environmentally sustainable manner. She obviously gives careful consideration to local issues.
Her public service record is outstanding — from Sebastopol Entrepreneurs Project to newly painted benches to holiday lights in the downtown area. She is has been on several local non-profit boards and continues to do so. For this, she received the 2012 Sebastopol Outstanding Public Service Award.
Lately, I have noticed that she has been vilified as a “pro-CVS/Chase” lobbyist. What she did show was that she was not above the law and would follow the law. While Chase and CVS are not the most popular businesses in town, they do have the legal right to operate here. In voting for the project, she showed common sense and a respect for the laws and ordinances of Sebastopol.
Lu Frazier