Dangerous patch
Editor: There is a stretch of road at the north end of Healdsburg that could just be the worst patch of asphalt in the entire county. It’s about a third of a mile long and it’s in between Simi Winery and Alexander Valley Road. The southbound lane is particularly hazardous to cyclists. As the road crests right at the Healdsburg City Limits sign it begins a deceptive decent. As a cyclist picks up speed he/she swerves to miss the hazardous road conditions looking for the smooth patches to prevent tearing up tires and being thrown to the ground. At the same time southbound traffic is also picking up speed and since the road is substandard with no shoulder it becomes very dangerous for the cyclists trying to get out of the way of traffic.
The county has just paved the first two miles of West Dry Creek Road, two miles of Lytton Springs and the two mile entrance to Geyserville. The River Rock Casino has repaved much of Hwy 128 but this little patch of road remains untouched. I think the reason that it hasn’t been resurfaced is that the city is waiting for the Saggio Hills development to repave the road, however that development could be 10 years away.
I was thinking that if one of the city council members is a cyclist, he/she could ride the road to see how really bad the situation is but because of the city’s potential liability, maybe the city attorney should ride it.
I’m a fiscal conservative and I think the city should save money where it can but this stretch of road is a serious threat to cyclists. I think the city could wait for the Saggio Hills development to upgrade and repave the road if they would just put, say, a two foot wide strip of asphalt on the south bound shoulder of the road. The north bound lane is also a mess but because the cyclist is pulling a grade it is not as dangerous. So please, please, please help us cyclists and motorists out and Healdsburg just may get that “Cyclist Friendly” designation that was denied us.
Michael Haran
Mexican Festival
Editor: I invite you to join us on the Plaza this Sunday, Sept 22, for a free, family friendly, alcohol free afternoon of pure enjoyment. The Healdsburg Museum & Historical Society is once again hosting the Mexican Heritage Festival from 1 p.m. to 4:30 p.m. Just as many of us enjoy the Tuesday evening concerts on the Plaza, we invite you to come, bring your folding chair and settle in for a full afternoon of fun and entertainment. Highlights will include local Mexican dancers, a vocalist, a bilingual puppet show and a salsa making contest among some of our local chefs. A select number of vendors will also be on hand to offer food and non-alcoholic beverages for sale. Contact the Museum, 431-3325 for additional information. Come join us. Admission is free.
Jeanne Leal-Hartlaub
Mexican Heritage Festival Chair

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