Closing candle shop
It is with sadness we announce that Dolorosa Beeswax Candles will be closing by 15 October 2014.  In the days ahead we will be having a Store Closing Sale of candles, soaps, cards and many more items.  We will also be selling furnishings.  Candle making equipment will also be available for sale.
It has been a profound privilege to share in the work of mental health advocacy and education through the work of our beeswax candle shop. Countless conversations and phone calls have been shared through the little shop on the corner since May of 2011. Literally thousands, each month, have sought information through our website both locally and around the world.  
For the many friendships and sharings of struggles within families and self you have had the courage to share I thank you.   Those sharings are sacred and treasured.
I also must extend sincere appreciation to the Board of Directors of Dolorosa and the volunteers who have given countless hours to help this work be here.
Through your sharing we have all experienced the truth that a andle loses none of its light by being shared.  While my candle making and extended efforts will be ceasing from what they were my personal efforts of mental health advocacy will continue.
I also will be working more with my new assignment with Catholic Cemeteries on outreach and education on issues of death and dying and grief and solace work.
It is often a bit sad when a beautiful chapter is ending.  It is, however, exciting and important to grow on into the next chapter of life.
As we grow forward may we continue, together to always to know — hope.
Harry Martin
Support Books on Stage
I went to the “Books on Stage” event at the Cloverdale Performing Arts Center last week that featured readings by the poet Michelle Wing and the novelist Amanda McTigue. Because it was such an enjoyable evening, I plan to attend as many future ones as I can. While not a great fan of poetry, I found Michelle’s poems accessible and engaging, and I expect that my appreciation for poetry might inch up a bit if I stick with it. The informal setting and the chance to ask questions of the authors makes this both enjoyable and instructive. Let’s support this series.
Joan Meisel,

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