Dismayed by comments
Editor: I was very dismayed by the comments of others regarding a proposed low-income housing project near Esposti Park. How can people be so unsympathetic and downright hostile toward fellow human beings who just happen to be poor? Opponents of this project claim to be looking out for the community and its residents. However, low income people are a part of this community, too. Who do you think rings up your purchases when you go shopping, and serves your food when you go out to eat?
As for the assertion that low income people are criminals, that’s just ignorant and bigoted. Low income people work hard, pay their bills, and feed their families. They might not be as financially fortunate as you, but that doesn’t make you better than them. I suspect that opponents to this project are motivated by concerns about their property values, and the racial diversity this project might bring. They just don’t have the courage to admit that they care more about money than people, and/or that they are bigots.
Chris Wenmoth
Thanking community
Editor: For the past few years, Windsorland and Oddfellows has given the Scouts of Windsor the opportunity to raise money to attend camp and enjoy scouting activities through the support of our community. Troop 999 and 20 of Windsor thank you. This past year we raised over $3,000 – we are extremely grateful for the support of our community, Windsorland and Oddfellows. With kind regards,
Keith Givens, Scoutmaster Troop 999 and Liz Wilson, Scoutmaster Troop 20

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