Youth program support
As we begin the 2013/2014 school year, the Cloverdale Police Department and the Cloverdale United School District will again present both the GREAT and DARE programs.  These programs stress various ways students can avoid gangs, violence, drugs and alcohol, which could eventually destroy their lives.  During the past five years, approximately, one thousand five hundred students have received instruction in these two outstanding programs resulting in the reduction in juvenile involvement with drugs and crime. Simply stated, these are outstanding results.
I would like to acknowledge the following organizations for their support and generous financial assistance.  Without these wonderful organizations, this program would not have been possible:  Rotary Club of Cloverdale, American Legion, Post 293, Kiwanis Club of Cloverdale, CARE (Cloverdale Adds Resources for Education), Exchange Bank of Cloverdale, Lion’s Club of Cloverdale, Cloverdale Dispatcher’s Association and the City of Cloverdale.
In the event other organizations, businesses and parents would like to contribute, please feel free to contact me at 894-2150. Your kindness and financial support will be extremely beneficial to our students and to the community.
Officer Mac Baker
School Resource Officer,
Cloverdale Police Department

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