Moral theology
Editor: Mel Amato may not have listened in church, or maybe his parish priest didn’t tell him, but in his entertaining zeal to correct Susan Swartz, he badly confused the Catholic Church’s beliefs with its discipline and moral theology.  
Its “beliefs,” or creedal statements, are (supposedly) unchangeable, but the issues he lists — abortion, euthanasia, stem cell research, human cloning, homosexual marriage, and by all means let’s add contraception, ordination of women, and male arrogance (oops, strike that last) — are not dogma, creed, or beliefs; they are the Church’s moral interpretations, which do evolve over time. It’s called moral theology, Mr Amato, and there are thousands of books on the subject. The issues include the Church’s once-upon-a-time “rock-solid” positions that lending money at interest will send you and the Medici to hell (to join BofA and Wells Fargo), and that black folk do not really have souls like the rest of (white) humans (you can look it up).  
Oh, the Church always has to be dragged kicking and screaming into such changes (by the nuns and women like Susan Swartz), and yes, it sometimes takes a century or two, but the hierarchy eventually catches up to the Catholic faithful (yes, Mr Amato, Catholic theology teaches us that the Church is the people, not the bishops). So, when our local Santa Rosa bishop is eventually a woman, she can thank Susan Swartz and teach Mr. Amato. Oh, it’ll happen, just not in this century.  
Dave Henderson
Gi procedures at HDH
Editor: Readers, did you see the large ad on page 3 of the Tribune (8-16-12)? Photos of the doctors of Digestive Health Consultants. Sutter proudly announced that they have joined the Sutter Network. But I have awesome news! They all perform procedures here at Healdsburg District Hospital! You don’t need to travel to Santa Rosa if you need a colonoscopy, EGD or some other GI procedure.
Mary Doll
Thank you Jason
Editor: Recently, I was helping an elderly lady across the street at the intersection of North Street and Healdsburg Avenue when she stumbled and fell. Luckily, a city of Healdsburg truck operated by Jason Hageman, was stopped at the light. Jason promptly came to our aid, and administered comfort and first aid. He remained with us until the lady was comfortable. Hats off to you, Jason. The City of Healdsburg is lucky to have you as an employee. I remember you as a kind and helpful student way back in the 4th grade!
Monica Dunne

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