Electric car chargers
Editor: We attended the Windsor Town Council meeting on Aug 2. The council members discussed implementing an electric vehicle charging station fee for individual users. The charging stations that are located at Huerta Gym have been free to the public up to this point. After some discussion, the council made a motion to go forward with fee-based usage from now on. After we left, my friend commented about Debra Fudge’s concern that we remain a “friendly town.” She had a great idea. Why not sell, for a nominal fee to cover the expense, a card to each Windsor resident that would have cause to use the charging stations? The card would enable that resident to use the charging station for free. For anyone else that visits or comes from another city, the town could enforce the fee-based system. This would encourage the residents of Windsor to continue to purchase electric vehicles and take care of the problem of people coming from other areas to use our free charging stations. Maybe they would want to move to our friendly community. 
As we drove home, we noticed that the charging station at the new Oliver’s is located in the handicap parking place. We wondered how it is possible for anyone other than drivers with a handicap placard to charge their electric car? We would encourage whoever is in charge of the charging station in that shopping center to relocate the equipment or the parking spot.
Christian Gillette

Troop 58
Boy Scouts of America
Free concerts
Now is the time to book the children’s choir or Vinyl Revival for patriotic performances (Nov. 11 is a Friday this year) and Christmas performances. We are available to perform on Dec. 3, 7-10, 14, 15, 19, 21 and 22. on week days after 4:30 p.m. and anytime on Saturdays.
Vinyl Revival performed twice at the county fair this summer with great crowd pleasers such as Java Jive, Route 66 and Bye Bye Miss American Pie.
The children’s choir is already booked for six gigs in the fall and they fill up fast. Remember, we sing for free for people who make this a great place for kids to grow up.
Heather Cullen

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