Thank you to the community
EDITOR: On behalf of all the members of the Sebastopol Kiwanis Club, I’d like to extend a great big thank you to all the members of our community who participated in making our 43rd annual Fireworks and Music Festival such a huge success. Without the financial assistance of our numerous sponsors, the hard work and commitment of the scores of volunteers, and the cooperation and support of the Sebastopol Police, Fire and Public Works Departments, our event would not be possible. A special thank you as well, to the Analy High School and West Sonoma County Union High School District for the use of their beautiful new athletic stadium.
It’s wonderful to see so many of our families, friends and neighbors gathered in one place to share a great time and such a joyous sense of community. Bravo Sebastopol!  
We look forward to seeing all of you again next year at our 44th annual July 3 Fireworks and Music Festival.
Rocky Camp
Sebastopol Kiwanis
Healed in fine Sebastopol style
EDITOR: I want to shout out a big public thank you to Sonoma West Medical Center for the excellent experience I just had with my total hip replacement. From intake to discharge I was cared for with a superb blend of professionalism and personal attention. I’d kept my fingers crossed that my hospital would be there for me, and I got my wish. I’ll keep them crossed for my return in August for hip number two.
As a life-long theatre artist, I am well acquainted with the muddy swamps of shortfalls and management, but theatre folk care mightily about what we do, and we usually take our lumps, do our best to fix the problems and keep going because we love what we do. That’s the sense I get from SWMC, it’s more than just a job. I have a hard time reading the frequent attacks against them and those who have given so much to help them.
Large hospitals resemble large corporations. They get the job done, but you can become “the hip in 125.” I am grateful to all those who have given heart, soul and bank account to stabilize SWMC, where I was seen, heard and healed in fine Sebastopol style.
Elizabeth Fuller

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