Editor: I must respectfully disagree with your “Animal shelter” analysis and conclusion. If we do not learn from our mistakes we are bound to repeat them. It is not a question about finger pointing or affixing blame but to understand how a sixty year operation went astray. I am not privy to the details but some fundamental questions arise.
Did the animal shelter management separate the fund raising and expenses for the new shelter in a capital campaign separate from daily operation? Was a board member assigned as the project manager to oversee the new facility? Were the design and construction faults disclosed by initial inspections?
Did the annual budget for ongoing operation indicate a negative cash flow? What measures should have adopted to keep the shelter solvent?
These are only a sample of the questions that deserve analysis.
I can personally attest that the past several years have been difficult times for non-profits; however our donors and volunteers must have confidence that their time and treasure are not mismanaged.
Stan Becker
President – Healdsburg Museum and Historical Society
Deplorable condition
Editor: It is understandable that sewers and other utilities have to be repaired, or replaced, but what is not understood is that when all the work is done why the final coat on top of the repair is not smooth. Instead, our streets are in deplorable condition to drive or cycle over with nothing but bumps, left over gravel, stones, and depressions.
The paving companies doing the final coat should be responsible for doing a good job, or find others who will. I have been on dirt roads that are smoother than what is seen here in town.
Jutta Einstoss
Used books
Editor: Book Donations to the Friends of the Healdsburg Library are down and we would appreciate it if you can help us out by asking the Community to donate books in good condition to the Healdsburg Library to sell at our book sales. We can really use children’s book donations but all books are needed for our next book sale being held Aug. 7 through Aug. 10.
All monies raised by our book sales go back to the Library, to buy new books, CD’s, e-books and pay for Children’s programs and Adult programs. Donations should be brought into  the Library and given to the Librarians or front desk personnel.
Lena Darcy
Thank you
Editor: I have been out of town for four weeks so I’ve been unable to say “thank you” to the City Council for the Foss Creek Circle decision. So the purpose of this letter is to do just that.  So thank you, City Council, and special thanks to Gary Plass for coming around to what is clearly the right answer. My memory might not be 100 percent correct, but the last time I remember an issue that was this divisive was the proposed parking lot on East Street in a residential area. In that case too, the council came around to the thinking of the citizens of Healdsburg. This all goes to show that when you’re on the right side of an issue, you can’t stop until the correct action has been taken.
Al Loebel
Editor: Now that the city council admits making a mistake regarding Foss Creek Circle, at who knows how much money, the question is will they make the same mistake building a multi-million dollar roundabout on Healdsburg Avenue at Mill Street? A much easier solution would be to finish the 101 south bound on ramp at Mill Street, to eliminate volumes of traffic having to go through Healdsburg Avenue just to get to 101.
Improving the flow even more and getting cars off Healdsburg Avenue and through the Pusich intersection, would be to build a North bound off ramp at Mill St. If the locals are having such a problem figuring out a one way, how do you think it’s going to be better to have people figure out a roundabout? And how will the tourists deal with it? It wouldn’t be pretty sight.
Lenny Siegel

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