Not a ‘blogger’
Editor: In last week’s front page coverage of the appointment of Una Glass to serve out the late Michael Kye’s term for city councilmember (“Widow of Councilmember Kyes chosen for Council,” June 26), my professional background was inaccurately reported as a “blogger” who talks regularly at city council meetings. Far more accurate reporting of the qualifications of the other citizen who, like me, withdrew his application when he heard that Ms. Glass was interested in filling out Michael’s term was presented.
For the record, as described at and, for the past seven years I have been a public interest communications professional, who works as founder and CEO of Progressive Source Communications. Our clients have included the ACLU, Stonyfield Farm, The Lakota People’s Law Project,, and the Restore Library Hour Campaign.
In the years following the World Trade Center attacks, I served the New York City Council as Policy Director for Lower Manhattan Redevelopment. I was also founder and CEO of an Internet company with 80 employees, operations in three countries, and a budget of more than $5 million per year.
I started my career as an investigative financial journalist, as a reporter at Forbes Magazine. I hold a masters degree in law for journalists from Yale Law School. My investigative articles have appeared in two dozen major national publications. I continue to practice journalism, and last month, my cover story about local government’s epic failure to adequately fund Sonoma County’s libraries became the first story in the North Bay Bohemian to ever to win a first place award from the SF Peninsula Press Club for analysis.
My involvement in civic leadership and community organizing includes co-founding and helping manage Progressive Sebastopol, the Open Washington Square Park Coalition, the Bella Abzug Leadership Institute and the Sebastopol Peaceful Air effort.
Thank you for providing this more accurate description of the credentials that I felt made me a suitable candidate for Sebastopol’s City Council.
Jonathan Greenberg
Editor: The Palm Drive Health Care District listening session in Sebastopol on Monday night was a listening experience for Board members Marsha Sue Lusting (now board president) and Nancy Dobbs. It was for most in attendance a unique learning experience. Palm Drive was, as are most hospitals, in the business of curing the sick and wounded. The Health Care District’s responsibilities go far beyond whether or not the hospital re-opens and offers more or fewer of the same services as before. It’s also about assisting community members to practice healthy habits, battle addiction to alcohol, drugs and smoking; eat nutritional foods; encourage exercise, rear well babies, care for fragile seniors … the list of services that the people in attendance want to be made available, while not all within reach, was rich and diverse. Many can be offered off the site of the hospital campus. The list of community entities that might be invited to participate in the programs was long and full of possibilities. I encourage attendance at the upcoming listening sessions, and I am going to try to attend the next one in Sebastopol as well. People like to characterize Sebastopol as artsy and quirky. I say we are also uniquely creative, optimistic, inclusive, forward thinking and full of talented, smart, community-minded people.
Helen Shane

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