Wineries backlash
EDITOR: No one would disagree that the wine industry is a vibrant and important component of Sonoma County’s economic picture.
Yet the full page ad campaign by the Winegrowers assuring us that they are growing a ‘sustainable’ future is a waste of theirs and the taxpayer money funding it.
Growth for growth’s sake is not sustainable. Sustainability takes into account the environment, balance, safety and economic security for all (including a living wage for workers) and the quality of life for our community.
The backlash that prompted their PR campaign stems from the out of control growth of wineries and event centers by the county, and those operating without permits or ignoring the ones they have by hosting more events than allowed. This negatively impacts traffic, neighborhoods and creates safety, noise and water resource issues. 
It is surprising that the wine industry is pushing against the increasing community outrage to stop the out of control development of more and more wineries and event centers. Why would any business fight so hard to invite more competition? There are currently over 1,100 permit applications for new and expanding wineries in Sonoma County. Enough is enough.
 If we are going to talk about sustainability, our Board of Supervisors and Permit and Resource Management Department need to get a handle on how granting more and more winery and event center permits, while ignoring the destructive cumulative impacts upon rural neighborhoods and our environment, is unsustainable.   
Padi Selwyn, Co-chair
Preserve Rural Sonoma County

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