Lifelong learning
Editor: I’d like to make a few comments regarding the Osher Lifelong Learning Institute, or OLLI. Healdsburg is very fortunate to have gotten a permanent OLLI presence. Classes are held at the Villa Chanticleer Annex. They are only six weeks in duration, are very affordable and are of excellent quality. In Sonoma County, this program is part of the Sonoma State School of Extended Education. Instructors are top notch and subject matter is consistently interesting. Fall classes start the first week of October and include subjects like John Steinbeck, classical music and FDRs New Deal. I urge everyone to take a look at these offerings. You won’t be sorry.
Al Loebel
Please return them
Editor: During my first year of teaching, twenty-seven years ago, I took the first 10 editions of X-Men to school to teach inner monologue to English students. All 10 comic books were stolen within two days; they are now worth almost a half million dollars. A piece. Would whoever took them like to return them?
Likewise, last year, a buffet (wood, 1940s, painted six or seven times) that the Healdsburg High School drama department has used for eight plays was also stolen from the “green room” behind the stage.  If anyone knows what happened to it, we’d love its return as well.
Thank you.
Brent Mortensen

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