CERT, a community effort
Editor: Thanks to the editors of this paper for printing such a great story about our ongoing Sebastopol CERT program (“Another CERT class adds to Sebastopol preparedness,” July 4). Anyone who would like to be notified of future CERT classes can send an e-mail to [email protected]. Preference is given to 95472 residents but there is often space for those who live further afield.
Here in Sebastopol we have the most robust program in Sonoma County due to tremendous support from the City, our Fire chiefs past and present, our Police Chief, Sebastopol Hardware, the local service groups (Kiwanis and both Rotaries), several other local businesses and a dedicated advisory board. But most importantly, heartfelt thanks are due to our Sebastopol Volunteer Firefighters, amazing volunteers who donate even more of their time to teach these classes, and who make this important and serious material enjoyable and accessible.
Denise Meier
Sebastopol CERT Database Manager
Heart goes out
Editor: My heart goes out to everyone at Frizelle-Enos. As a customer since the early ‘80s, I pray and hope for a full, rapid recovery from this disaster, and for their return as a vital and much appreciated member of our community. To the Sebastopol Fire Department and all emergency responders: we owe you everything. Thank you for being there.
Tom Danaher

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