Editor: Activity regarding the Lytton Band of Pomo land holdings west of Windsor being put into Federal Trust is accelerating. Jared Huffman is planning to introduce legislation to do just that in the near future. I do not take issue with a landowner developing their property under the County’s General Plan. However, if the process of putting their land into trust goes forward, local control and regulation is no longer guaranteed. I have written to Congressman Huffman for an explanation as to why he feels their holdings should go into federal trust. As follows:
“I understand the Congressman is proposing legislation that would change the status of lands owned by the Lytton tribe in the vicinity of Windsor. I live in Healdsburg. I would really appreciate understanding the Congressman’s thinking on why this is necessary. Why can’t they follow all existing rules and regulations regarding what can be done on that land. If their uses are not consistent with the County General Plan, they should buy land that is zoned for the uses they desire. We are facing severe water restrictions here and intense development on those acres will create out of jurisdiction uses and demands on natural resources. With no regulatory oversight or control by local agencies, this is entirely objectionable. They clearly have the financial resources to solve the functional needs they plan to meet through the development of these parcels – elsewhere. And my concern does not address any of the ecological or environmental impacts the development will have. Please explain.”
Perhaps some of the readers of the Windsor Times would also like to ask Congressman Huffman, “Why?”
His district office assistant: [email protected]
Richard Burg

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