Cloverdale is …
A small town that I’ve loved all my life. Surrounded by beautiful hills, vineyards, and along side the Russian River. I have been coming to Cloverdale my whole life since my grandparents lived here. My grandfather having lived here his whole life, and my grandmother since she was a teenager. They were actually married in the house which my grandmother lived, now the Cloverdale Historical Museum. This June 25th, they will celebrate their 65th anniversary!
I remember swimming in the river on hot summer days, my family floating on inner tubes, seeing turtles bathe in the sun on the other side. Warm summer nights, pink sunsets, and bright stars.
I have always loved driving straight through town before the freeway was put in, is what I remember as a child. Christmas was my favorite time, with the simple tinsel decorations of trees, bells, and candy canes atop of the posts.
Things have changed a bit, and even though I found it sad at the same time, (just because I wanted it to remain the small town I loved), I find today it still has that same small town charm that I’ve always loved.
I still drive down Cloverdale Blvd. and see the old church where my parents were married as well as my uncle and aunt. I still enjoy the Citrus Fair, along with the summer car show and now Friday Night Live also.
I’ve heard people talk about leaving the small town they are from, some come back, perhaps they didn’t realize what they had until it wasn’t there anymore.
I’ve moved quite a bit through my life, I have always loved Cloverdale. Thank you Grandma and Grandpa for always giving me a place to come back to, for a place I can call home.
Think about what you love about where you live, walk out the door today and look around. Smile…I hope you all have a great day.
The more positive, the farther it will spread…
Tara Lopes, Cloverdale
Thank you, Annie
Last week my wife and I celebrated our 54 year wedding anniversary. I ordered a bouquet of roses from Annie’s Floral to be delivered. They arrived on time. These roses are still blooming, the arrangement is wonderful. We could not have asked for anything more perfect.
Thank you, Annie.
Ron Cooper, Cloverdale
Fighting fish
Recently I heard a big fish jumped out of the fountain in front of Copper Towers and bit a tourist walking by on the sidewalk. This makes no sense.
It’s hard enough to get tourists in town (my hometown) without kids on bikes running them down on the sidewalk (happened to me one time) or being attacked by giant fish.
Do you ever hear of fish attacking tourists in Healdsburg? No.
My suggestion: get the fighting fish out of the fountain and put in goldfish instead. Or: Make the fountain into a chocolate fountain to go with the ice cream store.
I’ve got plenty of more ideas.
PS: What ever happened to my idea about everybody in town wearing French hats (berets) to make it look like an art colony? What’s the holdup?
Charlotte K. Heston, Booneville

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