Stand-up Guy
Editor: I am sorry to read that Guy Wilson will not be running for re-election. Although we had some differences of opinion during the two years we served together on the city council, I have great respect for Guy’s integrity, thoughtfulness and open-mindedness. He brought some very needed leadership qualities to his role as mayor during a very challenging time, not the least of which are a sense of humor and a willingness to put the best interests of the community ahead of ideology or personal needs.
I certainly appreciate and understand his decision to devote more time to his professional life and am grateful for his service to Sebastopol.
Larry Robinson
Thanks for support
Editor: The following letter is addressed to the voters that helped to pass Measure H:
Dear Sebastopol Voters,
The Board of Trustees of the Sebastopol Union School District would like to express its deep appreciation for the resounding “yes” vote you gave the District last Tuesday. Your support of our General Obligation Bond ballot measure (69 percent in favor.) was not only more than enough for the bond to pass. It was also an indication that you approve of the direction the district is headed, and that you trust the Board and staff to make more good decisions in the future.
Things can look dark, indeed, when faced with continuing revenue slashing from the state which has forced us to vacate a beloved school and to significantly reduce staffing. Thank you for providing us all with a bright counterpoint to that dreary reality with your outstanding support for our measure.
Liz Schott
SUSD Superintendent
Learn to Swim
Editor: After 28 years, the Rotary Learn to Swim is still going strong. On May 17, 280 second graders from local schools finished four weeks of free swim lessons at Ives Pool. The following schools participated: Apple Blossom; SunRidge; Sebastopol Independent Charter; Gravenstein; Harmony; Brookhaven; and Park Side. Rick Wilson and I were the Sebastopol Rotary Club coordinators for the lessons, and we thank the many community volunteers, parents, and Rotarians, who helped teach the kids basic swim lessons and water safety.
We particularly want to single out Iris Lovelace for her indispensable administrative support; Keith Miller, owner of Gone Tropo, who donated tee-shirts to volunteer instructors, and the kids; Judy Robertson, Apache Pools, who donated not only money to the program, but also water safety coloring books for all the children; Lehla Irwin, Sebastopol Sea Serpents coach, for helping instruct volunteers and children; and finally, Ricardo Freitas, Ives Pool Manger, who on behalf of the West Sonoma County Swimmers, provided pool time and lifeguards for the lessons. Special thanks also goes to Sonoma County Park Ranger and Coast Lifeguard, Tim Murphy, who provided instruction to the kids on how to be safe at the ocean, and Russian River.
During the existence of the Learn to Swim program, over 8500 local second graders have benefited from the program, which is sponsored by the Sebastopol Rotary Club. The people of Sebastopol can be proud that their community is the only one in the nation that teaches all second graders to swim for free. We only need to read recent headlines about near drownings, and fatalities on our coast, and the Russian River, to know there is a need for Sebastopol area children of all ages to take swimming lessons. There is also a need for parents to volunteer to help with this worthy endeavor.
The Amercian Academy of Pediatrics now recommends children begin taking lessons at the age of one; they have found that lessons for kids ages 1 to 4 have reduced drownings in the age group by 88 percent. Sonoma County is indeed beautiful, but we have seen that outings on the coast, the Russian River, and Lake Sonoma, can be hazardous for non-swimmers. We strongly urge parents to take advantage of swim lessons offered at Ives Pool. Again, our sincere thanks to all who help keep our kids safe.
Rick Wilson and Greg Jacobs
Sebastopol Rotary
Learn to Swim Coordinators
Blocking progress
Editor: I am very upset with the way the planning commission is handling the Pellini property improvements. These people do not seem to want any progress in this town and do not have much forethought for progress and future taxes that help the community, as it seems they want to promote medical drugs that are not federally legal. The Pellini family has supported this town for many, many years through the sale of Chevy cars and now that they are ready to move on due to the car business being closed, a few people have forgotten how the previous family members have supported this town and have all but blocked any progress and consideration to this family. I am ashamed of the way these people treat our former supporters of this town and have wished we could get rid of these people that can’t see beyond their own needs.
Natalie Peters
Gurney’s good works
Editor: I am writing in support of the decades of dedication and public service of Sebastopol City Councilmember Sarah Gurney. The longest serving member of our Council, Sarah has a fine perspective on the history, development, evolving strengths, and present concerns of our city. She has dedicated herself to nurturing the best in our community and in the world around us.
Impressively well informed, Sarah has reliably addressed a multitude of large and small concerns for our complex community with intelligence and compassion. At countless city meetings, public encounters and events, I have seen Sarah Gurney handle issues, whether simple of contentious, with a calmness, grace, generosity, wisdom, and a tact that is inspiring. She models for us all how to accept setbacks and challenges and speaks with sincerity, clarity, relevance and respect to those on all sides of an issue. We in Sebastopol are fortunate to have some one with Sarah’s dedication, experience, and generosity of spirit willing to serve our vibrant and beautiful city.
Marghe Mills-Thysen
Ryan is right
Editor: Wow. What an amazingly accurate commentary about the changing paradigm that we all are participating in (“Changing paradigm,” June 7). Reading this piece gives me goosebumps because truth resonates deep within the soul. I congratulate Tim Ryan for speaking from the heart and articulating the truth so well in the face of the fearmongering and greed that has set the tone at the Chase/CVS meetings lately. I also congratulate you Sonoma West Times & News for giving voice to this powerful prospective that resonates with so very many people in this community.
In sincere gratitude from my heart, thank you.
Ariel Janda

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