Thanks audience
Editor: The Healdsburg Community Band wants to thank the wonderful audience for attending and appreciating our Sunday concert on June 3 in the plaza. It is always a treat for us musicians to play music in the gazebo. It’s a special place. We played marches, show tunes and classical music. A good time was had by all. For over 25 years now we have been Healdsburg’s community band, composed of local high school students, working folks, and retirees. Every year we perform 5-6 concerts. However, we’re always looking for new members so please join us at our next rehearsal at the Healdsburg High School band room on Sept. 4 at 7:30 p.m. No audition is necessary and there’s time to get your chops in shape. See you then. Please watch The Healdsburg Tribune for future announcements. More information can be found on our website at: Thank you.
Jeff Tobes
Santa Rosa

Thanking contributors
Editor: I’ve worked with the theatre program at the high school for twenty-five years now and I’d sincerely like to thank those who contributed to the program in the past. As well, I would like to thank those who continue to help even though they no longer have children attending HHS. For example, I am very grateful for Jim and Nancy Brush and Linda Lotspeich, trustee for the Albertina L. Zanai Living Trust, whose sizable donations last year truly supported what we accomplished during the 2011-2012 season. Likewise, although I will no longer be teaching the sophomore Advanced Standing English course at the high school, I would like to thank those parents who generously donated to the various class projects and curricular activities that enhanced the program of study.
Brent Mortensen
Healdsburg High School

Running for council
Editor: I am running for Healdsburg City council and I agree wholeheartedly with Ray Holley and Eric Ziedrich’s philosophy of spending less money on campaigning.  I pledge to spend as little as possible on my campaign.  I will not send out any mailers, will not hire a political consultant, and I will not print any signs.  I will figure out a way to change the “0” to a “2” on the few remaining signs left over from my 2010 campaign.I believe that being a part of the City Council is about representing the interests of residents – not about how much money and flash can be pumped out in a three month period before the election.  What I will do to demonstrate my commitment and work ethic is personally visit every household in Healdsburg.  Donations I receive will be directed to the Healdsburg Senior Center. 
Shaun McCaffery

Previous articleLETTERS TO THE EDITOR 6-14-12


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