Thank you to Theresa Burke
We write this letter in order to publicly acknowledge the commitment and excellence of our principal, Theresa Burke.  Before Ms. Burke retires in the upcoming month, we as a staff felt compelled to formally recognize her contribution to our school and our community.
There is no one in the district that works harder than Theresa Burke. She stepped into the role of principal at a crucial time when we needed leadership. Although she did not actively seek this position, she graciously took on this enormous responsibility and for the last five years has tirelessly served our school and the Cloverdale community.
Theresa takes a personal interest in every student. In fact, Theresa knows every student’s name and something meaningful about them. This makes students feel connected to the school and allows them to know that she genuinely cares. Her persistence to ensure that all students succeed is shown by her relentless tenacity to keep students on track throughout the school year. Even if students sometimes get annoyed by her well-intentioned badgering, they know by her nurturing spirit that they matter to her and that she has their best interests at heart. She addresses the needs of all students by finding support mechanisms for students who struggle, and providing opportunities in and outside of the classroom for enrichment. She has created a school culture that encourages learning and fosters a sense of unity and compassion among students.
A large poster in Theresa’s office states: “Keep calm and carry on.” Each staff member at the high school is reminded on a regular basis that Theresa practices this maxim. The regular expectations and duties of any high school principal are demanding, but being the only administrator at a high school increases the demands and responsibilities beyond what most mortals can handle. At any given moment, she effectively juggles students’ needs, parents’ needs and staff needs. She continuously models positive leadership. Her staff appreciates her calm and steady attitude no matter what is happening. Her contagious enthusiasm and indefatigable work ethic inspire her staff to try to match her efforts. A vital part of her leadership is her ability to maintain a sense of humor no matter how crazy and stressful the days get. We know how extremely busy she is from the second she steps foot on campus early in the morning, but she always has time for each and every staff member, no matter what.
Her contribution as our principal should not eclipse her contribution as a teacher for decades. As a teacher, she inspired thousands of students to appreciate science and love learning.  Frequently, parents tell us how much they loved learning from Ms. Burke when they were students. Many parents have told us how sad they are that Ms. Burke is leaving. While we certainly share their feelings and know Theresa’s shoes will be hard to fill, we will provide the same support for our new principal as Theresa gave to us. We will all miss Theresa. We couldn’t have asked for a colleague with more integrity, passion, and dedication.
*This letter was originally read at the CUSD May 21 board meeting by a staff representative.
Cloverdale High School staff
Disappointment following special election
Save Our Sonoma Roads (SOSroads) is disappointed that voters did not approve Measure A, which would have provided about $20 million per year for the next five years to fix the roads and streets in this county.
During the campaign, no one disputed the dire condition of Sonoma County’s streets and roads, or that delay would escalate the costs of fixing them. We now remain at status quo, with no additional revenue to solve this problem.
SOSroads will continue to advocate for roads to be at the top of the list of priorities. We call on the supervisors and city councils to maintain our basic infrastructure and not allow it to take a back seat to other spending priorities. Measure A did not fail because voters are unconcerned about the condition of their streets and roads.
We understand the concerns expressed by many voters that public funds are not being spent wisely. Large numbers have no faith in their elected officials, whether local, state or federal. They seemingly refused to approve additional funds because they were not convinced the revenue would actually be spent on streets and roads.
Public trust will not be regained in Sonoma County unless the supervisors do more to reform public compensation. During the campaign we said it would be fiscally irresponsible to wait for pension reform before fixing our roads. By the same token, it is fiscally irresponsible to defer additional pension reform.
Lions Club seeks support for fireworks
As we have for almost 40 years, the Cloverdale Lions Club is presenting a professional fireworks show on Saturday, July 4 starting around dusk, usually close to 9 p.m., at the Cloverdale High School football field. There is no cost to attend, but the cost for this show rises each year and we look to the community to help us pay for it.
Averaging around $7000 to $8000, far lower than shows in other cities, the company who puts on the fireworks show, Pyro Spectacular, has worked with the Cloverdale Lions Club since its first community fireworks display in 1976, the nation’s bicentennial. But even that amount is hard for one service club to fund on its own. That’s why we are asking for the community’s support. Your donations can be mailed to Cloverdale Lions Club, P.O. Box 763, Cloverdale, CA 95425. You can also give them to either co-chairman Chuck Sibert or Tex Dickens.
Thank you for your support and we look forward to seeing you on the football field on the 4th of July for another fireworks spectacular in Cloverdale.
Chuck Sibert and Tex Dickens
Ag Day thank you
On May 8 the Cloverdale Citrus Fair hosted an Agriculture Education Day for elementary school students at Jefferson School.  Students were taught how to plant a sunflower seed, learned about rabbits, poultry, sheep and pigs; were taught about blacksmithing and how to make horse shoes and why horses wear shoes, and treated to a popcorn snack.
The Citrus Fair would like to thank Jim Lewers for donating his time to set up and take down animal pens; Rob and the crew from Les Schwab Tires who donated their time and all of the popcorn for 600 participants; Patrick King at the Soil King for donating the soil and McDonald’s for donating the cups for the planting project that was facilitated by our Green Thumb Garden club; the Harvest 4-H Club for bringing their rabbits and knowledge;  Dora Wode for bring her sheep; Sage Taylor for the poultry display; and JorDann Crawford for bringing the week-old piglets. We hope the students both enjoyed and learned something about farm to table and what it really means.
Bonnie Wlodarczyk
Thank you from the library
The Friends of the Cloverdale Library wish to thank the Art Committee, and curators Nancy Burres and Sharon Kozel Reddy, for organizing and presenting a beautiful exhibit of paintings and art glass. Many thanks to Diana Majumdar, Melissa McCann and Popi Tyler for providing us with their wonderful works of art.
A special thank you to Kat Hinzman and Mary Larson for preparing delicious appetizers and desserts for the opening night reception.
Thank you to all the wonderful volunteer docents: Sally and Jim Evans, Amy Neel, Susan Clark, Carol Russell, Roz Katz, Andrea Bergman, Linda Lawrence, Nancy Rivas, Valarie Jordan, Joanne Argyres, Irene Dodd, Michelle Wing, Gloria Wilson, Jean Bennetts, Jan Screechfield, Lynette Chandler, Corinne Hensley, Annie Mahon, Sherian Pardini, Gloria Vasquez, Kala Kerns, Cynthia DeMartini, Judy Pudoff, Louise Young, Jean Clark, Sheri McGinnis, Linda Silva, Carol Lucchesi, Mary Weber, Nena Reiners, Barbara Sibio, Charmaine Trumper, Jeanne Cox, Brooke Greene, Donna Ferguson, Madelyn Ketchum and Marian Zagorites.
Many thanks to the Cloverdale Library staff for their kind support.
Friends of the Cloverdale Library

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