Thanks, Pam
Editor: My three grandchildren and I would like to publicly acknowledge Pam, the very sweet lady that helps almost every morning at Mattie Washburn School in the “circle” where we drop off the students.  Pam is always smiling, graciously opens the car door and calls each child by name. To hear, “Good morning Levi! Hi Lola! Hello Jake!” never ceases to put the whole car in a good mood for the day. She never rushes the child, comments on what they might have in their hand, “Wow, your project is looking good!”  I would like Pam to know how much we appreciate her attitude every single day.  She goes beyond the job of an employee, her pleasant nature is infectious. How wonderful for children to start their day with love.
Thank you!
Suzan Lewis
Jake, Lola and Levi White

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