Class of 1967
EDITOR: The planning of the 50-year reunion of the Class of 1967 is in progress. We have been fortunate to find most of the classmates. However, we are still looking for 11 classmates. If you know of the whereabouts of any of these people, please email su********@co*****.net with their mailing or email information. We would like to include all the class members, even if they did not graduate with us. Please help us find Maria Bainbridge, Carolyn Davis, John Hall, Judy Lucas, Bill Mathews, Bruce Mathews, Tom Mix, Nelda Samanski, Stephanie Stanley, Linda White and John Wilen. We appreciate any assistance we receive locating these classmates.
Evelyn Sue Dickens
Damaging our country
EDITOR: I disagree with R.B. Southard, regarding giving Trump a chance letters (May 4, 2017). To do what? Blow us all to smithereens? Sell our country to the highest bidder?
If, as RB suggests, releasing Trump’s tax returns would silence his critics, Trump would’ve done that a long time ago. He hasn’t released them because he a) has a lot less dough than he claims, b) doesn’t pay them, and c) owes the Russians a bazillion dollars and they have him, as my Sainted Ma might say, by the short hairs. Ouch.
Give him a chance? Not after watching him make fun of a handicapped person; encourage the secret service to stop protecting Hillary Clinton; incite mayhem and division among U.S. citizens (“The election is rigged! Unless I win! Believe me!”); demonize and undermine the press, the justice system, the CIA, even the military (“I know more about ISIS than the generals. Believe me!”); laugh about grabbing women’s genitals; pretend to give a damn about religion, any religion and the Bible …
Are you kidding? I wouldn’t let this vindictive, greedy, cruel, egomaniacal blowhard and — may I be frank? — diagnosable nut job take care of my pets, never mind run a country, our country, whose history he knows nothing about, and whose principles he savages.
I don’t owe him respect because he’s the president. He lied (and lies and lies) and scammed his way into the White House. I have as much respect for him as he has for women, people who aren’t white and wealthy, education, Planned Parenthood, the U.S. constitution, the environment, the middle class, the poor, the ill, the elderly … in short: none.
This con man and I grew up during a time when America wielded the biggest wienie at the roast, and being feared was considered as good as being respected. Everybody’s got nukes now, and the world no longer respects us. America First? No one can always be first. The littlest child at the playground knows that.
Don’t take my word for it. Take Webster’s. Trumped up: “Fraudulently concocted, false, counterfeit, deceitful.” Trumpery: “Worthless nonsense, mumbo jumbo, twaddle, propaganda.”
He’s damaging our country so badly, you’d think he was a Russian plant.
CD Grant
What are priorities?
EDITOR: A popular and long-time nursery was robbed again for the third time in as many months. The owner has done all he can to protect his business. What he really needs is the support of the Cloverdale Police Department. His business, Sanz Nursery, is obviously marked. I don’t understand how it can be continually robbed. We are a small town. Why is there no support from our police department? What are Cloverdale PD’s priorities? Shouldn’t it be to protect our local businesses? Shortage of staff is not a valid reason. Change your priorities. Protect our local businesses.
Theresa Mahoney
Christmas in June
EDITOR: Can you believe it is that time again? Christmas is almost here. Yes, Christmas in June benefitting the Cloverdale Food Pantry is around the corner. Plan now to help us this year. The Cloverdale community, the Lions, Rotary, Good Shepherd Church, other organizations as well as so many of our great neighbors stepped up last year to make this event a success. Let’s make this year even better.
During summer months, the Cloverdale Food Pantry supplies are dramatically depleted. To cover the shortage, the pantry must purchase most of the food except the fruits and vegetables gleaned by gardeners who donate their excess. The food purchased is usually between $300-500 a month but during the summer monthly costs jump to $500-800 and sometimes more. This puts a dent in the pantry’s meager bank account.
The fifth Christmas in June event will be held at the Veterans Memorial Hall at 205 W. First St. on Wednesday, June 21 from 5 to 7 p.m. Refreshments and appetizers will be served along with a specialty winetasting. There will be community activities to help the food pantry as well.
You are asking how you can help. There are many ways: Bring 20-pound bags of rice, beans and canned food, such as vegetables, tuna and peanut butter. You can also donate appetizers for the event, donate refreshments for the event, such as bottled water; make a financial donation to help defray the pantry’s expenses; bring yummy homemade cookies for the cookie exchange; and come and support the event.
Please contact the food pantry at 707-396-8383 with questions and how you and your organization can help. We always need volunteers. Help make hunger take a holiday.
M J Dellaquila and Jean Herschede, cCo-chairs of Christmas in June benefitting the Cloverdale Food Pantry
Heartfelt thanks
EDITOR: I just wanted to give a heartfelt thanks to the Cloverdale community for their support of the Spring Tea held last Saturday at the Cloverdale Museum and Historical Society. Without the participation of the fine people who attended the fundraiser, and all the volunteers who helped put it on, the museum would not be able to provide the many services and benefits that they give to the community. I would especially like to thank Ellisa Morash, the museum director, and G.W Rogers, the museum’s media and facilities director, for their amazing effort to coordinate such a demanding event. Thanks also to the Cloverdale Rotary Interact Club, led by their president, Kevin Scalabrini, for the wonderful job they did as servers for the tea. It is just another fine example of the amazing support our community gives to so many different events that benefit us all.
Robert Redner

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