No Cloverdale casino
The proposed Cloverdale casino remains an on-going issue for concerned residents.  Do not be deceived into thinking it has faded away because of the Graton casino. The possible negative environmental impacts of a Cloverdale casino are substantial.
The final environmental study was released for public comment April 18, 2014.  Given the project magnitude, and short comment deadline, it is unclear why the Cloverdale Rancheria did not issue a local press release then.   
Do you want any of the four Cloverdale casino options outlined in the FEIS?  If not, send comments and specific environmental concerns to the Bureau of Indian Affairs. Also make your concerns known to city council members and attend the May 28 council meeting for updates.  View the FEIS at; click EIS status, then Final EIS.     
The lengthy FEIS is daunting, but read the brief Executive Summary.  Also read 20 to 40 key pages, dated June 2012, of comprehensive comments by the City and County opposing the Rancheria application (see FEIS Appendix T, pages 7-52).  
Key reasons to oppose the “Fee-to-Trust” proposed project:
• A tribal trust is a separate entity, operating independent of local government regulations.
• As a tribal trust the project becomes exempt from city and county regulations.  Only federal or tribal land use regulations will apply.   
• By law Indian trust land and casino operations are exempt from all local taxes (property and sales taxes, etc).  These are the taxes that help support local infrastructures.
• The revenues generated by a casino do not remain locally; rather the largest share goes to external gaming interests that finance the project.
• An increased carbon footprint due to a huge increase in traffic (in violation of county “Climate Action 2020”).  Substantial impacts to water and land uses, and other natural resources.
Please make your concerns known.  Public comments must be received at the BIA by Monday, June 2, 2014. BIA directions:  mail letters to Amy Dutschke, Regional Director, Bureau of Indian Affairs, 2800 Cottage Way Sacramento, CA 95825.  On the first page of comments, include your name, return address and the caption: “FEIS comments, Cloverdale Rancheria of Pomo Indians’ Fee –to-Trust.) No email or FAX address was provided.
Mary Brugo, Cloverdale
Help needed to repair cemetery wall
I am writing this letter as a response to the recent letter to the editor by Michael Seelau, entitled: “Desecrating our town’s history.” I must admit that I was surprised to read that there had been some damage to headstones at the Cloverdale Cemetery. After visiting the cemetery to investigate, we found no evidence of recent damage due to vandalism but can explain what Mr. Seelau might be referring to. As a precaution, Will Layfield, Don Green and myself removed and relocated several headstones that were in close proximity to the concrete retaining wall that collapsed a couple of years ago. These headstones were up against the concrete wall and would be in imminent danger of being destroyed if more of the wall collapsed. We found normal damage from ground squirrels, gophers and erosion but could find no evidence of vandalism. I thank Mr. Seelau for his care and concern for this historical site.
I would like to take this opportunity to give an update on the progress of the collapsed retaining wall. After two-years, we have finally completed the encroachment permit process and have our permit to proceed with replacement of the collapsed retaining wall. The final approved plans are proving to be more costly than originally anticipated. We have also had a difficult time trying to get some of the construction work done at a reasonable price.  The cost has doubled and we have a current estimate to complete the job at $27,000.  Thanks to many supporters we have been able to raise just over $7,000. Our goal is to raise an additional $20,000. Our priority is to get this wall repaired and any additional funds will be used to continue restoring other damaged gravesites. Our need is now. Please consider a generous donation and help us keep alive the memories of our past at our historical Cloverdale Riverside Cemetery. Visit us on facebook:  “Save Cloverdale Cemetery”
Tax deductible donations can be sent to:  
Cloverdale Historical Society, c/o Cemetery Restoration Fund, 215 N. Cloverdale Blvd.
Al Delsid, Cloverdale
Capitalism at its finest
As I read your statements I couldn’t help agreeing with you more. However, welcome to the national Capitalism system that is in charge of our economy.
You state the problem well, the top capitalists gather all of the profits while doling out the least amount of wages to the workers, just enough so the workers will work harder and harder for less and less. Of course the capitalists don’t want to increase the wage scale as this would bite into the profits they demand. Indeed they would like it if the workers would work 80 hours a week for nothing. At the same time they want workers to be consumers at a higher and higher rate to support the increase of output generated by the always increasing need for the more and more wealth at the top of the pile of humans.  Sadly,I don’t see any change in the near future.
Robert C. Haugsten, Cloverdale
Disappointed by lack of participation
I would like to take this opportunity to thank our brave and tireless Cloverdale policemen and women for all they do for the people of Cloverdale. They keep us safe with very little recognition.
The yearly 20 minute Police Memorial ceremony recognizing and honoring our brave men and women is held on the second Saturday of May at the Plaza. I’m deeply disappointed amd sorry to announce that there were only 20-30 people at the plaza on May 10 to show our officers how much we appreciate and thank them.
Please, let’s show these brave men and women how much they mean to all of us. We need just 20 minutes of your time next year. It will mean so much to them and to you. See you there. Thank you.
Claire Caudill, Cloverdale
Why run for Supervisor?
I am writing this letter to the residents of Cloverdale to explain why I am running for supervisor.
County finances: We are in a deep financial hole due to $1.2 billion in unfunded pension and retiree healthcare obligations. New accounting rules will require these debts to be placed on the county’s balance sheet and wipe out 80 to 90% of the our net assets. From day one I will work to solve this deepening crisis.
Roads: We should be spending $60 million per year on road maintenance. Instead we are spending $5.2 million. Roads are the life blood of our economy and are essential to our quality of life. I will work to cut costs and redirect the funds to roads.
Our economy: If we don’t solve our debt problem and fix our roads we are not going to attract businesses and will lose our tax base because people will simply leave the county as the infrastructure decays.
Sonoma Clean Power (SCP): Sometimes we overlook the financial impacts of an idea for good intentions. Taxpayers have been promised that there will be a financial firewall between the county and SCP, but already Deb Fudge and James Gore said they would risk taxpayer money on this endeavor. Let me be clear, in our current financial situation we cannot take on these risks.
SMART: Like most of you I voted for SMART. But typical of our county government they underestimated and over promised. At this time the train is not going to reach the 4th district. We need to find a way to finish the train and that is what I will work hard to do.
If we are to be successful as a community in the years ahead we desperately need new leadership and better management of our tax dollars on the board of supervisors.  
We also need a government that serves the people versus special interests. That is why my campaign has not taken a dime of special interest money and is only funded by donations from individuals and small business owners. To be competitive with the special interest money pouring into Deb Fudge and James Gore’s campaign, I am matching what I receive with my own funds. So if I am elected I will not owe anything to any special interest group and will only serve your interests on the Board of Supervisors.
Ken Churchill, Santa Rosa

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