SHARPS’s tone
EDITOR: Your story about the May 3 Sebastopol City Council evaluation of the KOWS antenna proposal fails to mention the stunningly negative, condescending tone of the remarks by the vineyard owners and many (not all) of the other neighbors who spoke in opposition, as well as their misstatements of fact. Â
Vineyard owner Jenkins brandished in outrage a book no KOWS member had ever heard of and accused KOWS volunteers of using it to orchestrate a campaign of misinformation. And when the SHARP representatives warned City Council members not to allow relationships with KOWS volunteers to sway their decision, they were implicitly accusing KOWS volunteers of improper behavior. Â
Yet, shortly thereafter in the SHARP presentation, KOWS was demoted from a Machiavellian monster, to a self-involved “private” group (it’s actually a 501(c)(3) recognized nonprofit) that in SHARP’s view is really just a sorry little “radio club” with no money and no staying power (actually KOWS has a 9 year history as a community radio station committed to providing space for little-heard voices and discussion of important local and wider issues). Â
In contrast, the response co-written by KOWS volunteers spoke of exciting new projects giving voice to high school students and elders, and of the benefits to Sebastopol of having a community radio station. Concerns expressed in the written appeal by SHARP to the Planning Commission decision were systematically addressed. A number of SHARP misstatements were refuted calmly, without rancor or emotional baggage.
 SHARP reps spent nearly an hour and a half vilifying KOWS and the motives of KOWS volunteers, while the far more concise and positive KOWS response treated the concerns of opponents with respect, while disagreeing with their conclusions. I submit that the quality of the KOWS response offers a model for how contentious community issues can be addressed without making enemies of neighbors.
 Rob Schmidt
Dear City Council
EDITOR: I live in the community where the proposed KOWS antenna has become a source of friction and controversy in our community. I am also a KOWS show host so I can honestly say I have seen both sides of this issue. I am writing to you today to voice my total and unequivocal support for the approval of this project.
I am becoming deeply dismayed and concerned by the growing misinformation, distortion of facts, innuendos, veiled threats of lawsuits to influence your decision to deny the antennae relocation to Pleasant Hill Road.
Equally disturbing, is SHARP’s demeaning and condescending attitudes questioning KOWS integrity, honesty and transparency in this process.
SHARP’s sleek, very well organized and orchestrated 1 1/2 hour presentation with endless visuals, prepared statements, letters from attorneys and “expert” opinions, obviously cost a lot of money and took a lot of time to organize. While the KOWS team is totally dedicated to local public radio, our members volunteer tirelessly to keep the station up and running and bringing the best programmers on board. Our financial resources are limited and pale to those working against this project, which creates an uneven “playing field.”
As members of the city council, you have a lot to sort through. What IS the truth about the radio waves that will be emitted?
Issues around CEQA and property devaluation, is the tower a visual blight on the neighbors? How do you ensure a neighborhood that there would be no co-location of cell towers? What is the real value of an FCC approved Emergency Alert local community radio station to the community? Is it worth the wrath and potential litigation by a small group?
I support moving the antennae to Pleasant Hill so that KOWS can fulfill its mission of being the voice of West County providing opportunities to showcase and highlight the talented members of our community
Local community radio is a dying breed. I hope this is not true in our town and that in fact, Sebastopol gives KOWS new life with it’s sorely needed antennae with greater access for all.
I know that you have the best interests of our community at heart. Thank you for all that you do.
Roberta Teller
Vote for Noreen
EDITOR: We need a leader who is experienced, effective, and trustworthy to represent the Fifth District on the Board of Supervisors. I am grateful that Noreen Evans has stepped up. For the past eight years we’ve endured Efren Carrillo’s inexperience and ineffectiveness. West County potholes provide ample evidence of his political ineptitude. On key votes, Efren faithfully represented the developers who funded his campaigns. The same developers are now funding another inexperienced newcomer, Lynda Hopkins, a self-styled organic farmer. Organic, really? Cement companies fund Lynda. Lynda has taken their many thousands of dollars. Since when is cement organic? Noreen vigorously represented the West County and beyond for many years in Sacramento. Her solid record shows that Noreen works for sound environmental and economic policy. Noreen is supported by the Sierra Club, Sonoma County Environmental Action and trusted local environmental leaders. We are fortunate to have a capable, reliable and seasoned star to step forward and represent us on the West County with the Board of Supervisors. Vote for experience. Vote for effectiveness. Vote for the compassionate conservationist. Vote for Noreen.

Dan Gurney
Vote for Sergent
EDITOR: I endorse Tim Sergent for Fifth District Supervisor, because he’s well-qualified, experienced, and like many of us, he has planted deep roots here. He’s lived the Fifth district for almost 20 years. His resume is really impressive. (Detailed information about his life experience is available on this webpage,
Briefly, Tim Sergent is a U.S. Army veteran who worked to put himself through school at UC Berkeley and into a position to have a positive and lasting impact on the place he calls home. He currently works full-time as a teacher at Maria Carrillo High School. Beyond looking great on paper though, Tim is just a fine human being. I met him when I moved here in 1999, through mutual friends and a love of live music; our paths have crossed many times. He is consistently calm, smart, trustworthy and kind.
He is running his campaign with integrity and authenticity, and also a sense of humor. 

Tim is the candidate who best represents what I believe are the ideals of values of those of us who live here and work hard to be able to do so. We are proud to be part of a diverse community, we respect one another, we love this unique place, appreciate its beauty and we understand how fortunate we are to be here. I admire Tim for endeavoring to serve the people of the Fifth District and for running a gritty, truly grassroots campaign. The fine people of the Fifth District deserve dignified, qualified representation of a candidate who owes his allegiance only to the people who live here. 

Please vote for Tim Sergent on June 7.
Kerry Beck