Analy auction success
Editor: The Analy High School Education Foundation would like to
thank the Analy Community for your generous support of the First
Annual Spring Online Auction.
Because of your enthusiastic participation, we were able to
raise over $7,000 for educational programs at Analy High
The AHS Education Foundation provides funding to keep the
library open after school, purchase computers, wood shop tools, and
musical instruments. The Foundation funds debate tournament fees,
foreign language field trips and even a new course: Ecology
Thanks to your generosity, we can make a difference for the
students of Analy!
Want to learn more? Visit or
call 707-824-2300 ext. 4089.
Analy High School Education Foundation,
Proud of Endeavor
Editor: Thank you to Sonoma West Times & News writer
Kimberly Kaido-Alvarez for the timely coverage of Victoria
Duquaine-Hulbert and her involvement with the launch of the
Endeavour space shuttle. (Rocket science: Analy graduate part of
Endeavour team.) Ms. Alvarez covered a lot of ground in a small
space (pun intended). I was impressed that all the details were
reported accurately and woven together nicely. The girl can
A very important fact I did not mention at the time I was
interviewed for the article that was run in the April 28, 2011
edition is that I am a praying mom.
I truly believe that wild things happen when I pray. When ego
starts to swell, being the proud mom that I am, I remind myself:
that we as parents are not any more to credit for our children’s
successes as we are to blame for their failures. I love the quote
from Elanor Roosevelt circa l930 “one’s philosophy is not best
expressed in words, it is in the choices one makes.”
“In the long run, we shape ourselves. The process never ends
until we die. And the choices we make are ultimately our
responsibility.”   this quote is still posted in large letters on
the inside of the door on Victoria’s vacated bedroom in our
On the adjacent wall the quote from her former youth pastor in 
the mid 1990s Brad Dack remains posted as well: “God does things we
never dreamed possible!” I treasure this quote as well and would
like to have it added to my printed quote “the message here is that
anyone who applies themselves, can have their dreams come true.”
Alone we can make our dreams come true but god can do things we
never even dreamed possible.
What I particularly like about bragging about my daughter’s
career is when I mention it, people – young and old seem interested
and often are impressed when I mention space exploration; some how
the unknown heavens still intrigues our imagination, pushes our
knowledge, and gives us a hopeful view of our tomorrows.
Rosemary Duquaine
Charter talks to continue
Editor: As some in the Sebastopol community are aware, the
Sebastopol Union School District  and the Sebastopol Independent
Charter School (SICS) have been in negotiations for the use of the
(soon to be vacated) Pine Crest school campus. We on the SICS Board
regret that the conversation has not yielded a solution agreeable
to both parties at this time, but we look look forward to
continuing this dialogue with the District.
It is clear that the boards of both organizations came to the
table with the best interests of their students and families at
heart. Both boards are also acutely aware of their responsibilities
to ensure the fiscal health and stability of their schools. Though
we were unable to reach an agreement before the close of this
school year, we believe that mutually beneficial solutions exist,
and that our commitment to continuing to explore our common
interests may produce an agreement in the future.
Nick Sanders
Board member,
Sebastopol Independent Charter School

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