Equal Pay Day
Editor: Do your readers realize that working women are still paid less than their male co-workers? On average, this pay gap means Sonoma County women earn 21 cents on the dollar less than men for equivalent work.
Equal Pay Day is intended to raise awareness about the gender pay gap in our community. This year, we hope you will help support our Equal Pay Day activities in Healdsburg on Tuesday, April 12.
Healdsburg AAUW (American Association of University Women) will be selling “unequal cookies” at Big John’s Market on Equal Pay Day. You can help by coming to Big John’s with your friends and family to buy our cookies; only $1 per cookie. While equally delicious, the cookies for women will be round and whole, but the cookies for men will have a chunk missing roughly equivalent to the amount missing from women’s paychecks.
Please come to Big John’s Market on Tuesday April 12 from 11 a.m. to 1 p.m. to support our Equal Pay Day cookie sale. It’s a friendly symbolic reminder of the need to stop taking a bite out of women’s paychecks.
Hala Alshahwany, Public Policy Committee, Healdsburg AAUW
Supply and demand
Editor: Folks, we live in a market economy, guided by us, the people. The reason housing is expensive is because people, including you, want to live here more than in nearby alternative towns. We collectively, caused this and I’d argue we actually want it to be just as it is.
I hear suggestions, but so far I’ve not heard anyone say “Let’s make Healdsburg less desirable” (ie reduce demand). More housing (increase supply) doesn’t seem to be popular either. The outcome is predictable.
Regulatory solutions benefit a chosen group (low income), over other groups (outsiders, people with money). Is it really our place to anoint one and condemn the other? At what point are we to begin interviewing new home buyers to determine if they meet our demographic goals? We can decry change but unless we’re willing to modify demand or supply, change will continue its course.
Chris Phipps
Rib-Off invitation
Editor: This is a request for fun-loving participation. It is hard to believe, yet another spring season is upon us. The rejuvenation of the spring season has long been celebrated in the unincorporated Town of Geyserville, a time honored tradition, the annual May Day Festival. The Kiwanis of Geyserville is seeking noble and honorable participants for this years “Wine Country Rib-Off.”
Please note your calendar; Sunday May 1, will be the day to meet and mingle with your neighbors from the north and south (Healdsburg, Geyserville, Cloverdale), network and educate the community about your business or trade, campaign for political office or show off your BBQ skills.
This year’s Rib-Off format will incorporate three versions of voting and prizes, and awards this year will include Geyserville eating and drinking establishment (we have many good ones) gift certificates.
What you need to participate: $150 entry fee; fire in any form, preferably contained; an umbrella for shade (we provide SPF30); grilling utensils; a cooler full of your favorite libations (adults are known to enjoy themselves); and sanitizing fluids, paper towels etc. We provide everything else, including tables. In advance, thank you for your kind considerations and support. For more information call 617.669.6421 or email  Wi**********@Wi****************.com.
William Green

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