Not up to par
Editor:  I read the “But I Digress” column this past weekend, as I usually do when enjoying the Windsor Times.  
I feel the digression went too far, into an area more in common with spite and bias leading into insults, jokes, and name calling. Easier to laugh at others than oneself, though I have seen Steven’s humor before and appreciated it.
Perhaps he unloaded a burden he has carried around and felt better after writing this, yet I feel it unlikely that he will write this way about other religious groups, say Muslims or Jews, for the offense others might take. The Catholic Church is far from perfect, it has far more sinners than saints, the failures of some priests have damaged children, families, other priests and churchgoers; the scandal and cover-up by some was abhorrent and wrong.
Still, most Catholics have tried to work through this and many reach out to those in need in their communities. Catholic hospitals, schools, charities do good works, inspired by faith and a willingness to give. Pope Francis deserves a chance to define himself, not be tarred and belittled. The Church is not a political party or club to join and change. As an institution it clings to its traditions, preserves faith and tries to inspire love, even as sometimes its leaders are mistaken, miss the mark, or misunderstand others.
My wife is not a Catholic, does not understand things I hold dear but she does not feel the need to make fun of me or my beliefs. As a teacher, I don’t indulge in laughing at or belittling students, just because I may currently know things they do not. As a community member I don’t feel better dumping on others who see the world differently than I do, neither would I like them to do the same to me.
This is where I think the line was crossed with this column; it’s a put down, with cheap and unoriginal lines, not the quality of work I have seen by the author before in this paper. I hope for more and offer these comments not in anger but in hope.
Graham Rutherford

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