4Cs to reopen
Editor: Among the largest nonprofit organizations in Sonoma County, 4Cs (Community Child Care Council) serves children, families, child care providers and the business community by supporting and providing high quality affordable child care and pre-K education throughout the county—including operation of 12 child development centers for low-income families. After their Healdsburg center was recently declared unsafe, one of the first calls 4Cs made was to the Healdsburg AAUW. In late March, the center in Healdsburg was red-tagged by the city when routine maintenance discovered hazardous conditions in the water lines. The center was closed immediately and suddenly 34 three- and four-year-olds were without care, and anxious parents were hoping not to have to leave their jobs to provide care for them. The day following the closing of the child development center, Jenny Juhl, Community Relations Director of 4Cs, contacted Healdsburg AAUW to seek the organization’s assistance. Soon thereafter, meetings were set up with the Healdsburg Unified School District, city manager David Mickaelian and representatives of 4Cs and AAUW. Various sites were discussed as a temporary center until the school district is able to establish a permanent replacement for the center. The temporary site decided on was Clary Hall, where the Boy Scouts meet. The agreement signed on April 3 gives 4Cs use of the building for six months. To comply with California regulations regarding child care centers, 4Cs is required to make certain improvements to Clary Hall. The cost for these changes will be approximately $15,000.  As it so happens, the Healdsburg AAUW recently raised over $15,000 with its new AAUW Forum series at the Raven Theater. Since this emergency need coincides with its mission, AAUW is pleased to cover these costs. The Healdsburg preschool center will re-open on April 16. AAUW, a national organization begun in 1881, created a branch in Healdsburg in 1975. The branch now has 190 members. Our primary focus is advancing and supporting education.
Judy Edmonds, Community Service Coordinator, Healdsburg AAUW
Where is the long term
water plan?
Editor: It was encouraging to hear at the last City Council meeting that local reservoirs are in relatively better shape with recent rains. But where is Healdsburg’s long-term water plan? Healdsburg is supposed to file an Urban Water Management Plan (UWMP) with the state every five years and calculate water supply and demand over a 20-year time horizon. However, Healdsburg has not filed an UWMP since 2005. We’re in a serious drought, so getting this done should be a priority. Some climatologists are predicting that the current drought could continue for many more years. Major development projects are in the pipeline or under consideration, but Healdsburg still does not know the “big picture” of water supply and demand. We and our neighbors are concerned when we hear about new development projects while being asked to conserve. The public urgently needs answers about how cumulative development affects Healdsburg’s water future.
Gail Jonas, Janis Watkins, Merrilyn Joyce, Denise Hunt, Warren Watkins

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