Is good
EDITOR: Although Jeanne Fernandez (letters 8/27) does NOT speak for me, I do share in a similar disappointment as she, yet for different reasons. Mine is related to the far too many in our area who still believe that wine is good, that growth is good, that development is good, that political manipulations for personal monetary gain is good, that perpetual reckless exploitation of our environment is good, that elitism is good, that wealth in the hands of the few is good, that, in general, so many of our timeworn societal attitudes and traditions, those that have taken us to where we are today … is good.
Robert Beauchamp
Operating instructions?
EDITOR: Like many others in the West County, I am eagerly awaiting the opening of Sonoma West Medical Center. The closure of Palm Drive Hospital left many gaping holes in our local health care system that has yet to be filled, with emergency services among the most urgent of those needs. Sonoma West Times & News has presented some of what the center will provide to address the pressing medical needs of community. The idea of a “no wait” emergency department sounds fabulous, almost too good to be true. I can’t imagine I’m the only one thinking that. Having needed Palm Drive’s Emergency Department over the years for members of my family, and seeing how the wait times could sometimes stretch for many hours,
I’m confused about how a “no wait” policy might be implemented. The Sonoma West Medical Center website fails to clarify how that would actually work other than to specify that “no wait” might mean a half hour wait. Having spent several hours in the Palm Drive ED waiting room, I’ve talked with people there who were Kaiser patients, but their primary care doctor wasn’t available on the weekend, and they didn’t want to wait. I’ve talked with others who were there for follow up wound care. I appreciated that it was a convenience for these folks to be able to get their medical needs addressed close to home, when they wanted, but there was no sense of urgency about their medical needs.
Given all the other medical services that are going to be offered, in addition to the emergency medical services, I think everyone would benefit from Sonoma West Medical Center making it clear when patients should be going to the emergency department as opposed to some other point of entry for medical care.
Jeanette Lebell
EDITOR: The attack on Shepherd Bliss in a letter to the editor in your paper on Aug. 27 is unwarranted. I can attest to Shepherd’s honesty, integrity and reverence for the natural world. This reverence has led him on a deeply spiritual quest for the truth. For Ms. Fernandes to write that Shepherd was disrespectful when he spoke at Mike Mcguire’s town hall meeting on Aug 13 isn’t my experience.
I attended the meeting because I thought Mr. McGuire was going to address a bill that would create an irrigation district to protect the water rights of 1,000 grape growers in the Russian River region. However, this irrigation plan wasn’t on his agenda. Perhaps Ms. Fernandes doesn’t know that thousands of people living in four watersheds of the Russian River received a letter from the State Water Resource Control Board in June regarding water restrictions. It stated, “water conservation measures apply to non-economic uses of water.” Vineyards were, at that time, exempt from reporting water use.
I’ve lived in West Sonoma County for 35 years. I see the bulldozing of our environment by the wine industry as a crime against people, animals and the natural world. The anger of so many people is warranted.
Pamela Singer
Freedom and liberty
EDITOR: I am responding to the letter from Jeanne Fernandez criticizing those who dare question the status quo. Democracy is so messy, isn’t it? I feel very fortunate that I live in a country where you can generally speak your mind and not get disappeared, caned publicly or executed for it. This is why we have the First Amendment, our “first” amendment to the Constitution. The first time it was agreed that the Constitution was not sufficient to do the job. You are as welcome as any other person to get up in public and express your opinion with the courage of your convictions. Please do so when the opportunity arises and take advantage of the freedom and liberty provided by your citizenship.
Anna Ransome
Who’s the bully?
EDITOR: The diatribe by Ms. Fernandes that appeared in your column last week is highly offensive to anyone who believes in the democratic process of citizen participation. Calling Shepherd Bliss and Magick bullies for their speaking up at Senator McGuire’s recent Town Hall meeting was rude and unfounded. Perhaps the letter writer doesn’t know the definition of the word ‘bully’? A bully is defined as a person who uses strength or power to harm or intimidate those who are weaker. Dr. Bliss and others were very respectful and polite during their comments, and they had every right to voice their opinions and concerns. Her contention that these engaged citizens believe they are representing all of us in West County, is absurd. If Ms. Fernandez is “tired of speaking out and just too damn tired of local politics gone awry, as she states, she should be grateful to those of us who are continuing to challenge, question and work on important issues impacting us all. Reading her letter makes me wonder who is the real bully here?
Padi Selwyn
Stay tuned
EDITOR: I was amazed to read that there were bullies in the town hall meeting with Senator Mike McGuire. Why was I amazed? Because I was there, and I did not see any bullying going on at any time! Just to make sure, I reviewed the YouTube videos of the people in question, and they were soft spoken, polite, articulate and to the point. So why was Jeanne Fernandes upset? Could it be that she is a shill for the Wine Growers Association? Stay tuned for my exciting news.
Michael Yezbick