Get involved
Editor: I encourage everyone to not just sit on the sidelines, judge and criticize. How can non-participation in our civic processes be rationalized acceptably? We’re much more vital when more people are involved and more viewpoints are considered. None of us will always agree with council decisions but that is not a reason to not participate.
Personal attacks are what really divides a community and limits the dialogue. We have a new council now, let us get on with business. Gurney, Kyes, Jacob, Eder and Slayter are intelligent, thoughtful, experienced people who have strong opinions and good ideas. If they work cooperatively together and listen to public input, which I believe they will, we can look forward to some innovative and creative ways to keep Sebastopol a thriving, walkable community of small business people, non-profits, community volunteers, activists, artists, writers and musicians.
Richard Nichols
Election is over
Editor: I have been very gratified with the attendance and spirit of the General Plan prep sub committee meetings.
I have attended, I believe, five so far.
Some very good ideas have come to light. Hearing the ideas of other community members sparked some ideas that might never have come to mind without that jump start.
The election is over. We have a council that appears to be working together.
Let’s see if the rest of us can, too.
Helen Shane

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