32,000 years
Editor: As I watch all the surrounding towns, counties, and state ask for voluntary conservation efforts to eke out our dwindling water supply, Sebastopol continues to pump up deep well water reserves without a word. At the Santa Rosa Plain water study meeting held by the USGS in 2013, I learned it takes 32,000 years for that water to flow from rainfall on the Mayacamas, to be sucked up by the city wells. We know the lack of rain for shallow recharging is at critical, yet the deeper aquifer is being quietly drained. Even Las Vegas has started removing lawns, yet I still see city-irrigated swards. At the council hearing to raise the water rates two years ago, I asked that water conservation practices should go hand-in-hand with the large rate rise, but was told by a council member, “that would mean we would make less money.” A good time to rethink our priorities.
Arnold Levine
Wasting water
Editor: I have been walking along Morris Street over the past few weeks and have noticed an alarming waste of water. It seems that most of the buildings in the industrial area are allowing overnight watering which is flowing down the driveways and into the street without any oversight. The plants that are being watered are basically dead and drought resistant. Given that we are in the middle of winter and in the worst drought since 1884, this waste of water is unforgivable and unfortunately speaks to the fact that the owners of these buildings are not taking responsibility and are basically unaware of what the impact of wasting water has on our earth and on our community.
I have called Mr. Richard Greernaet, the owner of 350 Morris about this but he has chosen not to return my call. Mr. Robert Hillman, the owner of the 400 building is impossible to get in touch with.
We are all collectively facing a severe shortage of water which is affecting our farmers, ranchers and every individual in California. Hopefully, we can all become aware of how to conserve and not let our limited and precious water supply be wasted on unnecessary watering of dormant plants. The puddles along Morris Street every morning are testimony to people who are not paying attention and seemingly don’t care about being responsible citizens. Shame on them.
Trish Power

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