Kudos for rally
EDITOR: Hats off to Mike Morisette and Marne Dupere for organizing the impromptu rally in protest against the recent Presidential Executive Order concerning immigration held on Sunday morning, Jan. 29, in the Plaza downtown.  
It was a remarkable demonstration of how important cultural and religious diversity is to both our nation and local life in Cloverdale. The number of concerned people who showed up was huge, especially since the rally was mounted on only a few hours notice. Once the aerial photography is available, I’m sure the crowd size will vastly exceed that of the recent inauguration ceremony in Washington.
Roy Parvin,Cloverdale
Good to have hope
EDITOR: With all of the distressing news that’s usually featured in our media, it was nice to see two recent stories in the Reveille that gave hope.
The first, in the Jan. 19 issue, was Cloverdale Police Chief Stephen Cramer’s assurance that our police department has no intention of changing the respectful way it interacts with local residents, despite their immigration status.
Chief Cramer wisely reasons that community trust is essential to effective law enforcement and that the stated anti-immigrant intentions of the new administration in Washington are a threat to the well-being of our community. Hats off to Chief Cramer.
The second story, on the help and kindness that local businessperson Jessica Chavez gave to a victim of domestic violence, showed how one person can make a difference. Jessica, owner of Bella Moda Hair Studio, is by any measure a hero. Her selfless efforts to help another person are an inspirational and uplifting example that deserves recognition and honor. She is a credit to our community.
James Evans, Cloverdale
Not renewing
EDITOR: In regards to the current rendition of the Cloverdale Reveille, we will not be renewing. Not sure who you hope your audience will be, but I know that our daughter and her friends would not take time to read this – online or off. We in the past did enjoy the newspaper. Obviously times have changed … good luck.
M.R. Wallace, Cloverdale
Sculpture Trail sponsor
EDITOR: The Cloverdale Historical Society & History Museum will be the new home of the Cloverdale Sculpture Trail , according to Historical Society Director Elissa Morrash, who said that the trail fits into the historical society’s strategic plan: planning for the future, recognizing new possibilities and offering public programs that draw people to downtown Cloverdale for education, events and social opportunities.
The coordinators of the Cloverdale Sculpture Trail plan to add more features to the trail, which will expand the history center’s cultural and educational position in the downtown core.
After four productive years under the auspices of the Cloverdale Arts Alliance, Joyce Mann and Janet Howell, Cloverdale Sculpture Trail coordinators, want to thank the Cloverdale Arts Alliance for their support.
Board of Directors, Cloverdale Historical Society & History Museum

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