Thanks from library boosters
EDITOR: Friends of the Cloverdale Library wish to thank student volunteers from Cloverdale High School for loading and unloading, unpacking and helping to organize our book sale. Alma Beltran, Morgan Barcus, Trinity Barcus, Andrew Brooks, Alyce Faso, Sarahrose Lindell, Janet Martinez and Sami Santana did an amazing job with great enthusiasm.
Thank you to all the wonderful volunteers, Joanne Argyres, Jean Bennetts, Andrea Bergman, Krystal Betts, Sally Broderick, Phil Brooks, Susan Brooks, Lynette Chandler, Claire Caudill, Susan Clark, Linda Clapp, Jeanne Cox, Liz Darling, Cynthia DeMartini, Irene Dodd, Sally Evans, Lucille Garcia, Brooke Greene, Corine Hensley, Betty Kroeze, Valerie Jordan, Kathleen Linn, Mary Larson, Ann Mackenzie, Cheryl Mier, Lane Nittler, Sheridan Padroni, Kathy Pike, Judy Pudoff, Mr. Pudoff, Niki Rector, Nancy Rivas, Nena Reiners, Floyd Redmon, Carol Russell, Linda Silva, Temple Smith, Jane Snibbe, Lois Scandal, Vivian Tamayo, Mary Weber and Hilde Williams.
Many thanks to the Cloverdale Library staff for their kind support. Last but never least, thank you to our wonderful community for making this sale such a big success.
Friends of the Cloverdale Library

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