School privacy
Editor: Since when did a high school’s administration become the police force for our local teenagers? Windsor High School administrators abuse their power when dealing with students.
I am a student at Windsor High School and I have done my best to be a good model for integrity and responsibility. However, as the years have gone by at Windsor High School my satisfaction has plummeted.
Despite my academic achievements or good attendance, I have been pulled out of class for investigations. I personally have been suspended for defending myself after voicing to the administration all year my troubles with some girls, unfortunately for me, I stood up to the one girl whose mom was a lunch lady.
Many students including myself have been interrogated, mistreated, and searched for receiving a text during a weekend involving illegal activities in which I and many others did not reply to. Windsor High School does not take the initiative to punish the children who are breaking the rules on campus, they are taking any connections they can find and cracking down on almost any student they can pull into their office. By having a high school that does not trust its students, students cannot trust their high school.
Windsor High School needs to invest more time in ensuring that students are getting the education they need instead of getting involved in students’ private lives outside of school because that is the job of the parents or our community police department.
Samantha Shelley
Shop local
Editor: We are very lucky to have many local businesses here in Windsor but in order to keep them around long enough to make a profit, we have to support them.
Small businesses not only support our communities but they also have many other benefits. They help keep our local character and prosperity alive, keep money in our local economy, help environmental sustainability, provide more jobs and better benefits, and are often less expensive than the big chain corporations. Supporting local businesses means strengthening our economy and our community.
Big corporations tend to receive a lot of business because they are very well known. However, the quality of their supplies and the treatment of their employees aren’t all they’re cracked up to be. Just because a store is well known and has many commercials and advertisements does not necessarily mean it’s the best store to shop at. In my opinion, those are the stores you should stay away from. Of course we all need our groceries, clothes, and make-up, but instead of going to the convenience and comfort of your big name store, try a local store instead.
Let’s help strengthen the bonds of our community and widen our views by taking one step at a time to start shopping locally.
Cheyenne Warner
Open campus
Editor: High schools should consider being an open campus for Junior and Senior students.
For as long as I can remember Windsor High School has been a closed campus. School officials will occasionally block the parking lot exits and check schedules of those leaving. But, a rather large number of students still find a way to leave during the breaks.
The reasoning I hear most often as to why the campus is not open, is that it would “cause too much trouble”. Administration is afraid students will cut class or be tardy. High school is where teenagers need to learn responsibility. Having an open campus will require students to learn responsibility and time management skills. If a student is late or doesn’t return to school, they will have to face the consequences. Also, most upperclassmen have started driving and getting jobs; so many won’t be lacking the responsibility needed to go off campus. I also feel that the parents of underclassmen should be able to sign a waiver allowing their student to participate in an open campus. Being able to leave the school campus during school hours is a privilege to students under age and a right to the students of age.  
Maddison Schwarz

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